2- pretty girl

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Entering the class without bothering to knock after being 7 minutes late

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Entering the class without bothering to knock after being 7 minutes late

'You're late' the older teacher said with a disapproving look

' I got lost' I stated before looking for empty seats in the back and looking around the room, curious glances sent my way

'Are you new?' he asked after looking at me for a while

'Yeah, can i sit now or are you gonna keep up with questions?' I said already tired of this conversation .

The teacher sighed 'Fine sit wherever you like, Welcome'

I made my way to the back of the class to the desk closest to the window. It was raining, I enjoy going out on the rain and listening to the sound of raindrops, There was something about the sound of rain that makes me feel so at ease.

I usually go out walking on the rain at night to clear my mind.

I take out my drawing notebook and started drawing the trees and cloudy sky out the window. I wouldn't say i'm the best at fucking drawing but i'm not shit at it either. I only draw when i'm bored and need something to pass time.

The classroom doors suddenly opened but I didn't bother looking up to see who entered the room.

Weak for your love was now playing on my ears and i was way to invested on the music and my hands drawing the pretty sight outside to notice the small girl sitting beside me.

Fingers tapped my shoulder making me glance at my right. My breath got caught in my throat, Fuck.

This girl with brunette long wavy hair and beautiful freckles scattered around her perfect nose and fuck those eyes, Blue doe eyes and long eyelashes. She's beautiful. With a toothy smile she reaches her hand for a handshake. I take out my right airpod so I could hear her voice.

'Hi! i'm Alina!' her soft soothing voice says

Oh fuck.

I slowly shake her waiting small hand. I ignore the butterflies in my stomach from the delicate touch of her hands.

' Shit h-hi' did I just fucking stutter. Im never speaking again this is so embarrassing.

She laughed at my nervousness. Great 'what's your name?' she asked excitedly.

'Eziel, Eziel leo' I said trying to look at anything but her. Suddenly the teacher is looking very fucking interesting.

' Well leo, can I listen to your music? you seem very intrigued by it' she looked up at me her pretty baby blue eyes looking at my own. Oh. Wait leo? fuck

that's so cute. She's so cute.

'Yeah sure, here you go' I handed her my right airpod and she happily took it almost bouncing on her seat from excitement. I smirked and looked down so she wouldn't see.  'I don't think I have heard this song before, it's so pretty'

did she just call a song pretty?

'It's called weak from your love, its good' I said and took a second to really look at her.

She was wearing the schools black and blue plated skirt. Hers was a bit more short that the other ones i have seen today and fuck she looks good.

She has on some white thigh high socks that has a small pink heart at the end of them making her thick thighs look even cuter. She has a baby pink oversized cardigan on covering the upper part of her body.

She's sculpted by a God.

Alina is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I don't think she even knows it.

'You're very fucking pretty' I blurt out and instantly regret it. Oh fuck why would you say that you could make her uncomfortable and she will never speak to you again fucking idiot.

I nervously look at her for a reaction and see light red covering her cheeks and her trying to hide her smile.

'T-thank you, you're very pretty too' she avoids eye contact with me.

I'm melting.

'Why thank you pretty lady' I said and bow my head making her giggle and for me to smirk at her contagious laugh.

She just made my day much better. I just found the reason to go to school everyday.

'You shouldn't curse so much tho, gray says it's bad' she tells me while looking down at her hands. Gray?

'Yeah? who's gray?' I asked not trying to sound jealous, I just met the girl

She quickly looks up at me with the biggest smile on her face and I just know she's gonna ramble about this fucking dude.

'Gray is my big brother his actual name is Grayson tho, He's 23 and I live with him, Oh and he has a tattoo shop isn't that cool? He also has a bike that I love riding at night its so cool.'

She stops and noticed she just rambled about her big brother and muttered a small sorry.

'It's ok, it was cute' I winked at her making the light blush appear again. The loud ass bell rang startling the small girl besides me, she seems about 5'3. 'What class do you have now leo?' she says tilting her head to the side curiously.

'uh history, and you?' I asked back hoping she had the same one.

'Awh I don't have that one, can I sit with you at lunch? if you don't mind of course' she says shyly while messing with her hands

I tilt her head up to make her look at me, blush scatters around her cheeks and I say softly at her 'Of course i don't mind pretty girl'

' Um well uh bye leo see you later!' she fumbled around her words and waved her hand with a huge teethy smile on her face before running off.

She's so cute. I still don't know how she has that much energy and..happiness? If I smile 3 times a day it would be a fucking miracle.

The hallways filled with students parted their way when they saw me walk by, all of them whispering and staring at me.

I glared at them and made my way to class. I don't know whats the big deal with my arrival at this school, there's nothing to look at.

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