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I am Jenny Scott, a seventeen-year-old country girl who has never been afraid of anything. For me, everything has a logical explanation. Ghost stories and supernatural creatures are just fairy tales to scare children. At least, that's what I thought until that night in the forest.

I still remember the feeling of cold mud sticking to my sneakers as we walked on the dirt path to reach the abandoned cabin. The wind made the branches of the trees above us shiver, creating moving shadows on the ground. My friends and I were excited and a little scared to uncover the hidden secrets of the cabin.

« Are you sure this is a good idea, Jenny? » my friend Mia asked, the first to worry.

« Of course it's a good idea, Mia. It's just an old abandoned cabin, there's nothing to be afraid of, » I replied confidently.

« I don't know, there's something weird about it, » added my friend Jack, who has always been the most skeptical in the group.

« Don't be ridiculous, you two. Come on, let's go, » I insisted, leading my friends behind me.

We all saw the cabin at the same time, but I was the only one who went inside. My friends refused to follow me. They said something was off. But I didn't see anything suspicious. The cabin was empty, dusty, and dark, with cobwebs everywhere. I searched every room, looking for clues, but I found nothing in particular. At least, that's what I thought.

Since that night, I have been plagued by strange and frightening visions that I cannot explain. I tried to talk to my friends about it but they don't believe me. To them, I'm joking and even a little crazy. But I know that something is wrong, something that is following and threatening me.

That's how it all started. That's how my life took a direction I could never have imagined.

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