"Lee Jordan!" Ebony says loudly. "I will not allow you to fail your O.W.L.s because of some stupid incident with someone who's not worth crying over! We have a couple more weeks so start studying and get yourself together!" She had drawn quite a bit of attention to them. Fred and George try not to laugh at her motherly-tone. 

"Yes, mum." Lee replies, sarcastically. Though, he cannot hide the small smile that makes its way on his features. 

They decide to return to their common rooms before they would resume to studying tomorrow. Ebony had just entered through the portrait hole when she sees everyone stand in front of the notice board. 


All fifth years will be required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during the beginning of the new term, in which they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future careers. Times of individual appointments are listed below.

There are also batch of pamphlets, leaflets and notices concerning various Wizarding Careers appearing on the tables in her common room. Ebony reaches forward to pick up one of the catalogues and walk back to the armchair in front of the fireplace. She opens the book and looks through it. Though, she couldn't find one that she found fitting for herself. 

Instead, she decides to simply leave that for the conversation she will have with Snape. Regardless of being a Slytherin, he never liked her. Maybe it's because she hangs around with Gryffindors so much but Snape had shown a great disgust in the young Black. She could only guess why that is. 


IT'S LATE BUT EBONY HAD GOTTEN A NOTE FROM REMUS IN WHICH HE ASKED HER TO MEET HIM IN HIS OFFICE, that evening. She had no idea why or what he wanted but she was curious enough to go. 

"So if I understood this correctly, you're telling me you have absolutely no clue what you want to be when you grow up?"

"You are correct." Ebony replies with a small smile. "None of the jobs in that catalogue really spoke to me."

"There must be something you like." Ebony's eyes fall on the Marauder's Map laid open on Remus' desk. "I mean, didn't you have a dream when you were younger?"

"Not really. I always told everyone that I would see when I grow up. I have no clue what I want to be. Time is running out though." Professor Lupin hums and sits down. "I thought I'd have a while more to figure it out but with my O.W.L.s so near, I don't know what to expect."

"Listen," Remus says, offering her a small smile. "I remember having this talk with Professor McGonagall, it was definitely not long and she only suggested things to me. You don't have to find it out right away."

"I guess you're right..." Ebony's gaze lands on the map where she sees Harry, Ron, Hermione, Crookshanks and to her surprise... Sirius Black. "Uh, Professor?" But Remus doesn't listen.

"I mean, we could always get you more catalogues if you'd like..."


"There are like a thousand jobs one could choose out from--"



"Sirius Black is right next to Harry." She didn't know why she said it, she didn't know why she wanted to safe Harry's life so badly but she did. Remus looks down at the Map, his eyes widen.

Towers - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now