Chapter 1: The First Encounter

Start from the beginning

You nod, a little embarrassed.

As he closed the door, silence filled the room.

Sighing, you turn to the glass to see 049 stopped writing... and is looking at the glass.

Can he see you?

Almost as soon as you see him, he turns away quickly.

"Can he see me?" You whisper, leaning closer to the glass.

" I cannot, but I can vaguely make your figure through the glass," His voice came through the intercom connected to the containment cell.

You scream, falling backwards in your swivel seat, slamming onto the cold tile.

Heart racing, you picking up your spilled papers, sitting back down in your seat slowly.

Putting your hands on the desk to ease yourself, you look up to see his hand over where his mouth would be, him quickly turning away.

"...are you laughing at me?! You scared me!" You said to him, annoyed.

"My apologies, doctor."

Sighing, you look at the microphone that sat between you and Dr. Itkin's seat.

Someone left the button on for communication.

"How long has this thing been on?" You ask, suddenly realizing what he called you.

"Doctor?" You added.

"You are a doctor, are you not?"

"...not really, no. I do have two doctorates but... I'm Dr. Itkin's assistant." You admit.

"Two doctorates?" He asks, "May I ask what for?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, well... Epidemiology and Bacteriology." You say, embarrassed.

He freezes, seemingly, and places down his pen - turning to you.

"What? I know, it's weird but... I think bacteria are cool. Plus, germ theory is really useful when studying Epidemiology so... two birds with one stone?" You ramble, "Ah... sorry-"

"No, continue." He interrupts you.

"...really?" You ask, laughing nervously, "I'll probably just put you to sleep!" 

"Nonsense. Both are related to my studies. It'd be hard to be bored by my own interests." He admits.

"Well-" You start, the door to the observation room opening.

Dr. Itkin walks in, stopping and looking at you then SCP-049.

"Is... something wrong?" Itkin asks, "049 is looking at you."

You swallow, your stomach dropping.

"U-uh, Dr. Itkin, the- the mic was left on previously and- well, I'm sorry. I didn't know and he started conversing with me." You confessed.

"...that happens too often, to me at least." He said, sitting down next to you and turning off the microphone.

It was silent for a moment, nervously gripping the sides of your lab coat.

"What did he say to you?" Itkin asked.

"Oh, uh... well, I was just speaking out loud to myself and he... responded," You started, "I thought he was looking at me, and he confirmed.. but that he could only see my figure vaguely."

Dr. Itkin nodded, making note.

"And?" He asked.

"And?" You asked back, unsure.

"What else did did you two talk about?" He asked.

"...not much. I may.. have fell when he spoke up. I was shocked and it scared me," Your brows furrowed, "Then he snickered at me. I'm not surprised though.. then our conversation ended at my doctorates, since he assumed I was a doctor."

"What are your doctorates in, again?" Itkin asked, "Sherman didn't inform me, but did mention you have two. That's a fairly notable achievement." 

"Ah! Thank you for the praise, Dr. Itkin! One is in Bacteriology, and my other is in Epidemiology!" You said, excitedly.

Itkin stopped writing, "What?"

"I know, they pretty much are the same thing, Epidemiology is borderline social science to some... but I think it's important when studying bacteria!" You continued, no longer nervous about your interaction with 049.

"Well, I guess I see why Sherman was so adamant to have you on the team!" He laughed, patting you on the shoulder, "I'd be careful though."

"Huh?" You asked curiously.

"...049, he can get very.. passionate, about these kinds of subjects," Dr. Itkin elaborated, "Oppositely to you."

"What do you- oh," You said, recalling the section about lavender, "You're right, I apologize. I'll be careful when discussing these topics. I don't want to step off on the wrong foot with him, especially if I'm going to be working with him."

Dr. Itkin nodded, turning to the window.

"Is there anything I should know that isn't in the documents you gave me?" You asked.

Itkin didn't respond.

"...did I do something wron-"

"049, explain your reason for practically breathing on our observation window." Dr. Itkin, interrups, having activated the mic again.

Turning to the window, you see 049 an inch away from the glass, his hands clasped behind his back.

He was looking right at you.

How long has he been there?!

"If I may, I'd like to continue conversing with your assistant." 049 asked politely.

Itkin sighed, "049, these topics have historically been trouble to discuss with you. I cannot be comfortable letting you continue with my assistant."

" have my word, doctor, that I will remain calm. No matter what... disagreements.. we may have." 049 responded.

Itkin looked very confused all of a sudden.

"...are you positive, 049? Remember Dr. Hamm." Dr. Itkin warned the plague doctor.

"That was... unfortunate. I agree, and always will, that I lost my temper during Dr. Hamm's conversation with me," 049 admitted, "In conjunction, that.. incident occurred years ago. Have I not redeemed myself, Dr. Itkin?"

 "That's not for me to say, 049. Nonetheless, if what you say is true about keeping your calm... I will think about it." Itkin responds.

"Will I require restraints, doctor?" 049 asks bluntly.

"...what do you mean?" Itkin asks.

049's eyes glance between you and Dr. Itkin.

Nervously, I look at Dr. Itkins.

"What does 049 mean, Dr. Itkin?" You whisper.

"He wishes to-"

"-meet you in person, little assistant." 049 interrupts.

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