The kamado family

Start from the beginning

Kie and Tanjuro went silent.. hoping to be safe..

Tanjiro suddenly giggled.

The front door suddenly flung across the room, a man stepped inside there home along with a cold breeze.. But the man had the silhouette of a human... was it human?.. no it wasn't.. it was a demon... Though Kie and Tanjuro couldn't see the man's face, the man had a white hat, Tanjuro and Kie froze in fear they couldn't move knowing that they won't be able to do anything.

'This demon is different from the others, this one is far stronger than the others, there's no way we can run.' Tanjuro thought while gripping an axe he picked up.

Tanjuro thought about his family, he changed his stance to a stance that seems like a fighting stance.. he got ready to charge, he gripped the axe tightly... Tanjuro knew he won't be able to do anything with his sick body.. but at least he would be able to provide his family some time to run..

Tanjuro charge "RUN WITH TANJIRO, KIE!" Tanjuro said while charging at the demon.

Kie picked up Tanjiro and tried to run but she tripped.

Tanjuro tried to fight off the demon but it just caused him to lose his head, Kie screamed while his husband's head flopped and rolled through the floor.

"AHHHHHHH! " Kie cried and screamed while hugging Tanjiro "what did you do you monster!" Kie cried even more while her husband's head was in the hands of the demon.

"Noisy" the demon said.

The demon walked near Kie, Kie was frozen in fear crying, Kie tried to crawl away holding Tanjiro and her stomach, the demon suddenly cut his own wrist, the demon dragged Kie and held Kie's chin forcing her to open her mouth, the demon forced Kie to drink his blood.

Kie screamed in pain.. it was painful.. Kie screamed and cried for help Kie thought she might die.. all she can think about was her son and the baby in her stomach, Kie cried in pain, she was dying.

"Looks like you won't be able to take my blood and die, worthless human.." the demon said.

The demon suddenly heard a giggle, it was Tanjiro giggling while playing with his fathers blood.

"What a strange child he didn't even cry seeing his father die before his eyes." the demon said.

Tanjiro crawled forward to the demon with blood in the palm of his hands he then tried to climb up to the demons head but failed not even getting passed the demons knees, in that time the demon just let it happen until the baby gave up, the demon then picked the baby up.

"You're not afraid of me? " the demon said.

Tanjiro just stared at the demon while giggling and wiggling his arms and feet.

"This is some interesting child you got here~" the demon seem to take interest in the child, it seems like he wanted to raise this child 'but what can this child even do for me 'the demon thought.

"Hm~ let's see you can be a spy to get information from the demon slayer corps about the blue spider lily? I wonder~ what's your name? " the demon questioned not expecting any answer.

"Twan-jiwo" the child said..

The demon was surprised it can understand him.

"Twanjiwo? " the demon said in a more kinder tone.

Tanjiro giggled and shook his head ,then said

The demon laugh, it seemed like the child was trying his best to say it's name.

"Tanjiwo~? " the demon said in a mockingly tone.

The child then shook it's head again then said
"Tanjiro!" A little pout on his face appeared.

"Ohh~ Tanjiro" the demon laughed at how the face of the child formed a pout.

"Well then Tanjiro looks like you don't have a parent anymore~, seems like I'll need to take responsibility of you now." the demon said.

The demon and the child then dissapeared leaving a house just full of blood... No... they left with the father of the household dead and the mother was slowly dying.

"N-no don't take m-my child away from me.. p-please save us... Save my child that is currently in my stomach and my child that was taken by that monster."

Will be posting the other chapters after double checking.

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