The Drowned fighter

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{Y/N} - Your name

""- talking

'' - thinking

Italics - location/time

Selkie POV

'It was just a normal day when I found him. My crew and I started our patrol into deeper water when I decided to go for a swim."

"Sirius! I'm going for a swim, I'll be back in a bit. I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Yes Sir!" Sirius responds as she looks ahead toward the open sea

I jump high and dive deep underwater and continue forward as the boat follows slowly. I continue swimming for another 30 minutes until I noticed something odd. lots of bubbles coming deeper than where I was.

'Bubbles?' I thought as I dove deeper into the dark water. I use my echolocation to understand the terrain. Farther down was what seemed to be rusted metal gear and an iron beam pinning something alive to some rocks. that thing was producing the bubbles I saw and I swam closer to get a better look.

'It's a kid!' I realized that the poor child was drowning and contacted Sirius to get to my location.

"SELKIE PUNCH!" I said as I punch the rock holding the iron bar in place, smashing it and the iron bar starts to sink further down. I grabbed the kid and swam upward as fast as I can. As soon as I reached the surface, My ship drifted next to me, my crew looking over the ledge watching me. I boosted myself and the kid up into the air and landed on the boat. I lay the kid down on the floor of the boat and Sirius started doing CPR.

"Stay with us, kid," I yelled as Sirius continues CPR. I noticed what the kid is wearing, black pants with a white button-up, covered by a black vest. The clothing seems too old for someone so young to wear. A few minutes later the kid started coughing up water and he flipped himself to puke out the remaining water.

"Thank *Cough* you..." the kid said as he started to turn back around towards us. He looks up to see me and starts to freak out. He stands up, jumps back, and gets into a fighting stance as if we were his enemies.

"Calm down kid, we're only trying to help you!" Sirius yells

The kid looks around while still in a fighting stance, once he got a grip on where he was he started to relax, but stays in a fighting stance.

"Where am I?" He asks "What are you?" he says as he points at me.

"You're on the Oki Mariner, in the Pacific Ocean near the coasts of Japan," I said trying to help the kid relax. "I'm human, but my quirk makes me look like a seal."

"quirk... What's a quirk?" The kid asks with a very confused look on his face

"It's a power that the majority of the population of the world has, like how I have advanced hearing for a quirk," Sirius says as the kid starts to relax more and more.

"What's your name kid?" I asked to hope for an answer. " And how did you end up out here?"

"My name is Y/N." he says "I don't know how I got here."

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