•Echo POV•

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Hi, Kiwi here. Here's a new chapter yay. Enjoy.

>>Chapter written by: Idyllically - Artemis<<

I kinda felt bad for teleporting away from Aspen last night. I mean, she had been getting kind of annoying, but that was also a rude way to react. I hear she exploded.

Deciding to try and find her, I walked into a swampy forest, calling her name. I was ankle deep in murky water, but I didn't care about these boots. They'd seen enough wear and tear to last a lifetime.

I teleported forward, and frowned as I looked around. Maybe she hadn't come here, after all. I had heard from a zombie that she'd stripped naked (what?), turned into a pig (again, what the hell), and ran off into here.

I shielded my eyes from the dimming sun, and I could just make out a witch's hut in the distance. I teleported again to the ladder, and climbed up.

I ducked under the doorway. The place was empty, whoever had been here obviously had gone through the Ender portal sitting right in the corner of the hut.

Hold up. Ender portal?

I stepped forward curiously, wondering if I would go back to my island if I stepped through. It was worth a try, it wasn't like I had dear friends here.

I smiled as I leaned forward, and looked at the violet flames. Not wasting another second, I stepped into the mist and let the flames consume me.


I grinned at the familiar starry sky, sand running through my fingers as I laid there on the ground.

Familiar faces whisked by, some murmuring to themselves while others went about their business, moving random blocks around.

I sat up and strained my ears to hear a conversation between my friend, Star, and another Enderman, who I recognized as Ellie.

"She went through the portal." Star whispered, not even glancing at me as I waved.

"Yeah," Ellie agreed, "She's as good as dead. With that alien up there.."

Star nodded quickly and looked around to make sure no one was watching. "I think she likes the alien. Did you see her flirting with him when he killed Ender Dragon?"

Ellie nodded, and Star continued, "I think she went because she likes him so much she wants to be with him all the time."

Ellie shrugged and nodded, indicating that her theory made sense. I waved my arms in their face. "Hey, I'm right here!" I yelled, jumping up and down.

Star's eyes widened and she whirled around. "Echo? What the-- Where are you?" She held her chest, breathing in and out rapidly. "Oh no, you didn't come back, did you?"

"Yes I came back!" I shouted, frowning. "I'm right in front of you!"

Ellie shook her head, taken aback. "Don't you remember Ms Ember's lesson on Ender portals?" She asked, flailing her arms wildly.

Oh yeah.

The lesson where she taught us that if we were to ever come back after escaping through a portal, we'd never fully come back, we'd only be spirit-like things.

I cursed myself for not realizing that sooner. Without them noticing, I slipped away. Why had that witch come here? I frowned as I looked around.

To my surprise, I saw both the witch and Aspen. The witch was watching Aspen, who was flipping the Endermen off and looking them straight in the eye.

The Endermen were going crazy, some teleporting away while others slapped them across the face. We're all paranoid like that, I guess.

In the center of the island, the Dragon egg was sitting there, obsidian black and one block tall. If there was a dragon inside that, it'd be small. Puny, compared to the great and mighty Ender Dragon that used to roam this land.

The witch was heading towards it, her wand in one hand and a spell book in the other. Her long, purple hair was wavy as it cascaded down her back, and a huge mole dotted the very bridge of her nose.

Rather ugly, in my opinion, but based on what Aspen had told me, she deserved to be ugly all too well. A crooked smile was growing on her face, exposing her yellow teeth and hideous breath.

She started to chant something and wave her wand around. The Endermen all snapped towards her, tackling her to the ground.

"Stop!" One screamed.

"That's the Ender egg! You can't destroy it!" Another stated.

"Go back to the overland, witch!" A third one screeched.

I started chanting with the Endermen, "No more witch! No more witch!"

She looked horrified as she turned and fled to the portal, her long robes flowing behind her. Her magic wand flew out of her hand, and I ran to snatch it up.

Aspen ran after the witch, screaming, "Wanda! Wanda, wait!" I glanced at the Endermen one more time, before shoving the wand into my hoodie pockets and stepping back through the portal.

Wanda was going to hatch that egg before she got her wand back, and I was going to make sure of that.



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