•Steve POV•

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SORRY SORRY SORRY!!! I just couldn't wait to show you guys!!! But it's Memorial Day so why not since its a holiday!!! It's so hard for me to contain my excitement over this book!!! Anyway, enjoy and sorry if the chapter is rather short. Ok, I'm gonna stop rambling. DERP!!! :3

>>Chapter Written by: Idyllically - Artemis<<

Steve Brine- Human (male)

I walked through my village proudly, as the villagers flocked over to hear the tale of how I killed the Ender Dragon. "How much experience did you get?" One of the villagers, Vane, asked.

I snorted and checked my experience level. "Three sixty four." I answered, grinning smugly. They oohed and ahed, but shut up when a new presence came into the group.

Purple sparkles landed in our hair and all over our bodies. I frowned at the intruder. An Enderman, nonetheless. Specifically, the Endergirl I'd encountered back at the end.

"Oh, hey." I said, not knowing how else to greet her. "You're Echo, right?" She nodded and looked around.

"Do you know how to get to the End from here?" She asked, glancing at the villagers. No doubt their giant noses frightened her, they had scared even me when I first moved in.

I shrugged, "No. You need a portal, but then you'd spawn on a random island. Just saying." I smirked at her blank expression.

"Well, then I'm going to be on my way.." She said, turning. Something around her neck caught my eye, a glimmering sphere of green and blue. I wanted it. I wanted to teleport, too. If this lowly Enderman could do it, I had a right to, too.

I lunged forward and swiped my sword at her. She screamed and teleported a couple blocks away, holding her shoulder. Dark blood oozed between her fingers, and I felt no mercy as I whipped out a potion and threw it at her.

The glass smashed into her face, and the contents dripped down her neck and hoodie. She screamed again, and sank to her knees in pain. She was doubled over, and her eyes were dull, their special purple sparkle fading from sight.

"Why, why did you do this?" She managed to choke. "You are a heartless piece of garbage."

I frowned. Was this really necessary, killing her over an Ender pearl I didn't know would work or not? I knew she had but half a heart left, so I bent down, set a health potion next to her, and ripped off the necklace.


I stumbled and fell, skinning my knee. Teleportation definitely took a while to get used to, especially as a fifteen year old beginner. Smiling, I got back up and teleported home, this time smashing my head into the iron windows.

I smiled as I unloaded all my armor and weapons into a chest, and grabbed a cake, which I shoved into my face greedily. I deserved it.

I climbed into bed, and pulled the warm red covers over my shoulders. My dreams awaited me.


When I woke up, I looked out the window to find Echo sitting on a roof with a creeper.

A creeper, out of all the things she could befriend.

I frowned as I walked out the door. I shielded my eyes from the morning sun as I squinted up at them. "What are you doing?"

Echo looked down at me with a smirk. She had a bandage on her arm, probably because of me stabbing her. "Just hanging with people that actually have some common sense." She said, jumping down.

She outstretched her pale hand and scowled at me. "Give it back."

I sighed as I lifted the necklace off my head and put it in her hand. She put it on, and instantly teleported back to the roof.

I drew my bow and aimed it at the creeper's head. "Echo, that thing is dangerous. You shouldn't hang out with them. If any mob doesn't have common sense, it's that one next to you."

She teleported next to me and snatched the bow from me. Breaking it over her knee, she scowled and said, "Steve, you don't understand. Aspen is nice, and she has way more common sense than you. You're a murderer, for Christ's sake."

I frowned. "That bow was enchanted! And I'm not a murderer!"

She laughed, "Really? Then why did you kill my father, even after me fighting you over it?"

I threw my hands up, exasperated. "Echo, let it go already! I needed to kill him to come back home!" She teleported back to the roof.

"In case you have a heart hidden in that hollow soul of yours, the Ender Dragon was not only my father, but my best friend and the only living thing I cared about." She yelled, her purple eyes brimming with tears.

I scowled and stalked back into my house, and slammed the door behind me. If she wanted to be stubborn and hold grudges like that, I'd let her.

I mean, look at my "friend", Wick. He killed both my parents and we're good now. I have nothing against him. That doesn't stop me from smacking him upside the head with my sword now and again, of course, but we were good.

But something deep and down told me that I was a murderer, and going to the End was another one of my never ending mistake cycle.


ThIs Is ArTeMiS hErE! We HoPe YoU eNjOyEd ThE cHaPtEr, We HaVe FuN wRiTiNg ThEm!

Ok I'll type normal now but thanks for reading! Remember to




We'll see y'all next week 😘

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