Chapter 3 ~ Omg cool rock

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You both entered the town and saw the two children from the other day.

"So do you think we could specifie exactly- like straight to the point- explain your relationship with these children?" You asked while stopping to grab a rock from the path.

"Alright so the blonde annoying one is Tommy. He's my younger brother. And the more polite brunette is Tubbo. He's Tommy's friend he just showed up one day I guess." Wilbur shrugged.

"Kay got it." You said while looking at the rock.

"What's that?" Wilbur asked as he looked at your rock.

"I dunno. It's a cool rock. Cool rocks are fun." You shrugged without looking up from it. "Look it has lots of colors." You showed him the rock.

"Yes. Most rocks around here do." He said. "How often do you leave the house?"

"Quite often. But I don't get as many colorful rocks." You said while putting the rock in your bag.

"¥ØỮ ĆΔŇ'Ŧ ĦíĐ€ ¥/Ň"

You turned around to see if anyone was there but there wasn't. "Did you hear that?" You asked still looking around.

"No? Why? Is someone there?" Wilbur asked in a concerned tone.

"Nobody's there." You said as you continued walking. "I think." You mumbled to yourself as you looked back once more. You looked back in front of you and Wilbur was talking to the children. You waved and walked up to them.

"Hello children from the other day!" You said with a smile.

"Hi!" Tubbo happily said.

"I am not a child." Tommy said while crossing his arms.

"Really? How old are you?" You asked.

"16! I'm a big man." He said angry that you thought he was child.

"So you are a child?" You asked to tease him more.

"No! I'm not!" He yelled.

"Oh by the way how old are you?" Wilbur asked.

"I'm 25." You said. "So I have 9 years on the toddler."

"I AM NOT A TODDLER-" He began to yell but Wilbur covered his mouth.

"Don't tell the child but you're my favorite so far." You whispered to Tubbo.

"Oh don't worry I won't." He whispered back with a laugh.


"Please don't leave me for that long again." You begged while trying to stop him from leaving again.

"Oh don't worry I won't." [ꉤ̲̲̅̅ꀷ̲̅] smiled at you.

"You better promise! Mom said you'd keep me safe." You said.

"And I did. You just didn't have food for an day or two." He sighed while flying away.

-End of Flashback-

"Y/n?" Tommy asked as he snapped his fingers in front of you.

"What? Oh yes sorry! I must've zoned out a bit." You apologized as you came back to reality.

"I think we should get Y/n a place to stay so she can rest." Wilbur said while ushering you away from the boys. You got to a nice little house that was not much smaller than yours. "You really don't have to give me a place to stay Wilbur." You reassured while going into the house.

"I know I don't. I want to though. You look tired. It'd be too much of you to walk back to your house." He said while walking away a little bit. "I'll see you in the morning Y/n." Wilbur smiled while closing the house door.

Short chapter because I can't stress how tired I am. Like you don't understand. I'm like "eat food drink water take ur meds be healthy" and I'm over here up at 7:30am just now going to sleep. We're doing great👍

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