Chapter 4 ~ Dream

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You opened your eyes and saw you were laying in a white room with no furniture. You stood up and looked around. You noticed 3 doors and each of them had signs next to them. Door 1's sign said "Past" Door 2's sign said "Future" and Door 3's sign said "Reality". You figured the door you went through you would see one of the things. You chose door 3 first. You walked through the door and someone was in there.

"Which reality do you desire to go to?" The person asked.

"What realities are there?" You asked while looking at the person's appearance. They looked a lot like him. They might even be him.

"You can go to one where nothing wrong ever happened to you. Or you can go to one where he doesn't even exist. Or you can wait and go through a different door." They explained.

"Can I go to the first one you mentioned?" You asked while fidgeting with your fingers. The person just nodded and then there was a white flash.

You opened your eyes and you were laying in a field. On a grassy hill so to say. You looked next to you and saw flowers for miles. You stood up to venture off in this 'reality' or whatever it is.

You began walking down the hill and saw a small cottage. It was the cottage. The cottage you grew up in. You walked  inside and saw him and your mother at the table eating something. "The person said nothing bad happened to me in this reality." You thought while you walked to your old room. "Dose that mean my wings are still there? You continued thinking while stepping in front of your mirror. You were right. You had 2 big beautiful wings. Just as you were leaving the house to try to fly there was another white flash.

Once again you were laying on the floor of the white room with the doors. This time there were only 2 doors. You walked over to the doors and went to the 'Past' door. Maybe if it takes youbto see your past it'll help you get rid of him. Once again there was a white flash and you were in your childhood room.

You got up from your bed and looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked to be 10. Maybe 11 even. You still had your wings. Interesting.

You left to the living room to find him. Or as your mother called him XD. No matter how much your mother wanted you to you could never call that man 'Dad' or 'Father' again.

"Are they gone yet?" You asked. You couldn't control what you were saying. You were practically reliving a memory.

"Yes. I promise. Now go out and play." XD said dismissing you. You smile and nodded while running out the front door. You got out and got hit with a arrow. You turned and looked to see where it came from and you saw them. You immediately tried to run back inside but the door was locked. "XD?" You yelled while pulling on the door. You looked and just saw him standing in the window watching while the crowd came to you.

The crowd tired you up and threw you to the ground. "XD? PLEASE HELP!" You screamed. You felt a sharp pain in your back and realized what was happening. They were cutting your wings off. Slowly. You kept screaming for your father and he just stod inside and laughed at your suffering.

Once your wings were 100% gone the crowd lit a small campfire in front of you and began burning your wings. The fun part about it all was you had to sit there and watch. Not to mention you were bleeding out. The difference between you and XD was that he couldn't die. You had unlimited cannon lives but still could die and feel all of that pain and suffering. Another difference is, is that his wings will grow back if they get cut off. Your's won't.

Once more there was a bright flash and you were back in the room. You wanted to see what was behind the final door. The 'Future' door. With a sigh you opened the door. This time there was a flash of red.

This time you woke up tied to a chair with a blindfold on. "Hello?" You called hoping that someone could help.

"Don't worry Y/n. I'm here." A voice said.

"W-who are you?" You asked.

"Who do you want me to be?" They replied.

"The fuck does that mean?" You said under your breath. "So do you think you could untie me?"

"That depends. Will you admit you love me? You know you love me you just haven't said it yet." They said. You could hear foot steps coming towards you and soon felt something cold and sharp on your neck.

"Is that a knife?" You asked.

"Yes. You see is why you're my favorite. You're not afraid to question your kidnapper." They said and you could practically hear their smile. "So you you love me Y/n dear?" They asked. Before you had the chance to answer there was a flash of red and you were back in the room.

The room had a bed in it this time. You figured it was better then the floor so you got into the bed. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.

You shot up in bed with your heart racing. You were back in that L'manburg place. It was all a dream. It was only a dream. You were safenand once again calm.

I'm the author and I was even confused writing this. Also go be the opposite of me. Go sleep, eat, drink water, take ur meds, and do ur homework. I haven't done any of that but my well being isn't as important as yours. You are super VALID and LOVED and pog if you ask me:)

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