Chapter 16 - Scarctic Battle part 2

Start from the beginning

_"In that case, let's make our last fight together the one that will be remembered." Enary said, tightening her hand on her sword, to which Sigma looked at her proudly and tightened her grip on her sniper rifle as well.

Meanwhile, Jekyll had continued to search through the drawers of his desk, until he finally found what he was looking for: a small iron box which he opened and which contained a syringe containing a grayish and translucent liquid, which he looked on with some trepidation. On the syringe was a label: "Hyde Sample."

_"Oh no! Get ready, they're coming in!" Gamma suddenly warned as already the first hands of the abominations managed to slip through the ever-larger holes made in the doors.

Omega prepared its arsenal, ready to empty everything. Enary and Sigma, side by side, joined them and stood ready. If they were to die, they would take as many of these bastards with them. Jekyll joined them next, and they all noticed that strange syringe he was holding in his hand and still staring at as if hesitantly.

_"Mr. Jekyll? What are you doing? What's that liquid in the syringe?" Sigma then asked.

_"It's... a part of me that I hoped never to see again in my whole life, a demon that I had finally succeeded in exorcising..." confessed the doctor pensively and as if ashamed of it. "But without him, I couldn't help you fight... However, the price to pay could be terrible and I may never be able to return to the way I was before."

Enary, Sigma, Gamma and Omega were puzzled by the doctor's words. The latter then looked towards Enary.

_"If such a thing were to happen, you will have to kill me, before I cause too much damage... Promise me that you will."

This request was very surprising for the group, but Enary nodded, promising the doctor to do what she had to do, and the latter smiled, thanking her sincerely.

_"Doctor..." Sigma whispered.

_"Now you should step back a bit..." Jekyll suggested as he walked towards the doors about to be forced open by the creatures. "It's not going to be a pretty sight... If monsters can show humanity, you're also going to find that there's a monster deep inside every human being."

On the dark but honest tone of his voice, the group preferred to listen to him and backed off a little. Jekyll then pulled his sleeve from his costume and then injected the product into his veins, until the last drop. Immediately, a seemingly unbearable pain seized him, dropping the syringe and falling to his knees in screams and his face contorted in pain. Sigma wanted to help her, but Enary held her back by the arm and everyone gazed in amazement but also concern at what was happening to the doctor curled up on the ground and writhing in pain. Jekyll's skin lost its warmth, turning a morbid pale gray and becoming covered in fine black veins. His eyes turned black and his irises a sickly yellow. The pain subsided and in heavy, deep breaths, Jekyll slowly rose to his feet. His expression had changed, his eyes showing murderous madness and a wide, demented smile twisting his mouth. He crackled his fingers and the back of his neck loudly, as if preparing to fight. A few meters behind him, Enary, Sigma, Gamma and Omega had all moved back a little further, weapons in hand and ready to defend themselves.

However, Jekyll completely ignored them and instead turned towards the doors of the office which no longer held and fell with a crash to the ground, letting the horde of crazed abominations enter. Not at all frightened, Jekyll, transformed, let out an insane and frightening laugh.

_"Ha ha, come over here!" he said in his own transformed voice, much more monstrous and deep. "Come say hello to Edward Hyde!"

One of the fish-men leaped towards him, but with impressive strength, Jekyll, or rather Hyde as he now called himself, grabbed him and slammed him hard into the ground and crushed the head under his foot in an explosion of blood and flesh, all under the smile and macabre jubilation of the transformed doctor. Hyde moved at an extraordinary speed, much greater than that of an ordinary human and grabbed another creature, throwing it against a wall and coming to finish it with blows of incredible violence, reducing it to bloody mush.

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