Billy Hargrove

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Imagine: Billy gets flayed and your the only one who can reach his human side to get him back

“Billy!!! Stop it!!” Max screams as you and six very panic ridden children began running along with Steve. You looked into Billy’s eyes and saw a single spark of his human side and stopped running. 

     “Y/n! Let’s go!! What are you doing?!” Dustin screamed. 

“He’s still in there. I know it, I just need some time. Think you guys can make that happen?” You asked standing still. 

    “You’re crazy Y/n, yeah we can make it happen.” Max said as she and the other five kids grouped together to form a plan. You turned to Billy and started with your hands out in front of you, showing your palms as you slowly walked towards him. 

“Billy, It’s Y/n. We want to help you. I want to help you or some shit like that” You said still slowly approaching Billy as he stood in the same place as before with the same almost dead look in his eyes. All you got in response were some grunts and a faint wimper. “Billy, you remember that time in the kitchen? I broke a glass cup and I panicked, thinking you were gonna be really mad at me, you remember what you did? You grabbed another plate and broke it so we had both broken something. You weren’t mad, you were pretty damn excited because you got to break something. We are here to help you, give me the sign that your still in there and we will get him the hell out of you.” You could see the fight in his eyes just by glimcing at him and he was fighting hard. 

      “Y/n…Of course I remember that…” Billy said practically running to you. When he reached you, the two of you embraced tightly. Billy took in the smell of your hair as you breathed in his scent like it was the last time the two of you would ever hug. “Holy shit y/n…I am so sorry….” Billy said, breaking down. 

“Dumbass…Don’t be sorry for something you had no control over. Go see your sister, she’s worried about you. We can catch up later. I love you so much shithead.” 

       “I love you ten times as much y/n. Thank you for getting me out. I never want to let you go ever again….” Billy said hugging you once more before he all but ran to Max. When Max and Billy embraced they collapsed onto the ground crying. You walked back to the group and Steve pulled you into a tight hug. 

“You did it y/n, you brought him back.” You hugged Steve back and all but sobbed in his arms as you watched brother and sister embrace, reminding you of your siblings. 

    “Y/n, come over here, your my family too y’know.” Max said as she looked at you with a smile. You smiled back as Steve let you go. You walked over to Billy and Max as they pulled you in to a tight hug as you all cried on each other’s shoulders. “Thank you so much Y/n…You saved Billy, thank you. We need to get out of here now, before the Mind Flayer comes back.” Max said standing up and helping you and Billy up. Billy moved to hug you and hide his face in your chest. You hugged him back and picked him up. Thanks to all of Billy’s workout regimens you were able to carry him easily. He wrapped his legs around your waist as you all hurried to Steve’s beat up car. 

“Steve can you fit everyone in your car? We need to get out of here as fast as possible.” 

    “We can try to fit everyone in but i don't know how comfortable it’ll be.” 

“Comfort is the least of our worries at the moment. Everybody pile in, sit on the floor or others laps, it’s only temporary.” You said as everyone started to cram into Steves car. You and Billy got in the passenger seat and the kids pilied into the back. Once everyone was in the car and doors were closed, Steve started the engine and sped back to the safest place for everyone, Billy and Max’s house. 

“Y/n I’m sorry.” 

    “Billy, you fucking dumbass. I know it wasn’t you.. We’re okay stupid. I’m okay so are you. I am right here, if you need anything just ask okay? I love you Billy. Right now you need to sleep, I’ll be right here if you  need me, okay? I love you so much darling.” You said kissing Billy softly. 

“I don’t want to sleep, I want to kiss you…hug you…I just wanna be with you…I need to be with you…please..” Billy said quietly as he snuggled closer to you as you held him, never wanting to let him go. 

    “My love, you need sleep. Please sleep, I will be right here, okay?” you asked, pleading Billy to sleep. He sighed and nodded softly. 

“Okay..promise you won’t leave?” Billy asked softly.

    “I promise. Now get some sleep. I love you.” Billy sighed quietly as he waited for you to curl up next to him. You looked at Billy with a soft smile and joined him under the blankets. He immediately layed his head on your chest and you wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled him close. Slowly Billy began to fade in and out of sleep before he finally passed out. You looked at him and let out a sigh you forgot you had been holding. Steve looked at you and smiled softly, coming over to kiss your forehead. 

“He’s gonna be okay y/n.” 

    “I know he is but what if that damn monster comes back and takes another one of my friends?” you asked quietly, not wanting to wake Billy up. Steve looked at you and sighed. 

“Y/n. We have the most powerful girl on our side, that freak isn’t getting anywhere close to us. If he does then we’ll be ready. You need sleep too.”

   “Steve…I can’t sleep…I may seem physically exhausted but I can’t sleep…” 

“Y/n…Please at least try to?” 

   “Fine.” You said, looking at steve softy and sighing as he left the room. You looked down at Billy and kissed his forehead. “I’ll kill that bastard…I’ll fucking kill him.” You said quietly before you began to slowly fall asleep with Billy.                                                         

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