✏️ ✨ Writing Tips ✨ ✏️

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4. Inspiration

It's very hard to come up with ideas for a Ship, Story or anything! I got some useful tips.

Watch Animated Movies/shows or listen to music! (Not restricted to animation)

Hear me out. Animated movies and shows have a lot to take from. They might seem dumb on the outside, but they have deep meaning.

My story - "Gold Titan's grand return" takes heavy inspiration from
- Spinel from the Steven universe movie
- Rasputin from Anastasia (in the dark of the night song)
- Darth Maul from Star Wars the clone wars
- The Collector from Owl House

If you ever feel uninspired, watch some movies, shows or listen to some music.

OH AND ALSO don't plagiarize.

5. Villains & Antagonists 

Who doesn't love a villain? Now remember, Villains and Antagonists are completely different things. A villain is someone whose evil actions keep the plot moving.
An Antagonist is someone who is opposed to the protagonist.

Villains can have sad backstories. They could be orphaned, bullied, scarred, afraid or manipulated.

Villains don't have to be tragic. They can be evil bastards for no reason. Good examples are;
- Jack Horner (Puss in Boots 2)
- Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2)
- Lord Farquad (Shrek 1)

If you are going for sad backstory villain, try using these notes:

How they act outside of Villainy

How they treat different people/groups

Give 'em fears or doubts. One moment of vulnerability can change everything.

Changes path throughout the story (unless your villain isn't going to be redeemed)

Monologues are corny

Actions speak louder than words

Make Hero's just as compelling as the Villain

6. Oneshots

Who doesn't love shipping Lego game characters? Now anyway, here's a section dedicated to writing oneshots.

Characters need to form attachments. They can't just love eachother for no reason. They need to bond with eachother. It will make your story feel more relatable to the reader.

Obviously, they can be complete opposites. Example:

- Lunar is a cautious Moon Titan who looks before she leaps
- Solar is a hot-headed Sun Titan who fights first and forgets to ask questions later

Lunar and Solar are rivals. After a bad fight they had, Lunar ran away from the Castle. Solar pursued her and they talked. They talked about why they were mean to each other. They discover that they're mean to each other because have a crush on one another but don't know how to express it.


Having trouble writing smut? Same here. It takes me nearly a week to write proper smut. Even then, I'm not proud of how it turns out. If you don't feel comfortable writing smut, do something else.

TDS Oneshots - Love in the AirNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ