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Hiii everyone,
for some reason Wattpad doesn't allow me to post messages on anyone's board most of the times. It's a problem because most of you guys vote on my stories and if I am not able to thank you then I feel terrible, just like right now I am feeling terrible that I can't thank most of you.
All I wanna say is I am sorry and I am very Thankful for your votes, your comments and you guys reading the stories! I appreciate that a lot and it honestly makes me really happy that you guys are enjoying my content.❤️
Thank you so so much lovely people and I am sorry once again for not being able to thank you all individually but unfortunately it is how it is.❤️❤️
Have an amazing day ahead, my sweets!!❤️✨


I personally think, this is the most fluffiest chap till now!!

Thank you so much for reading, lovely people!!💜 :)



Jungkook didn't know how they got in the position that they were in currently but he didn't mind for today...just today, he needed this comfort.

Yoongi had left and Taehyung suggested they watch a movie to which Jungkook agreed.

They were currently on the upstairs living room's L shaped couch. Jungkook laid between the older's legs, his head rested on the older's chest. The older had his arm wrapped around the younger while on hand played with the brunette strands, his eyes were darted towards the huge screen on the wall across from them.

The TV was playing a movie that they both just randomly chose. Their bodies were pressed against one another's but for some reason, they both didn't feel any discomfort. 

The younger started to concentrate on the movie as well, while still listening to Taehyung's heartbeat.

The raven smiled when the smaller boy snuggled into him unconsciously. The way he clutched onto Taehyung's shirt, fisting it was just adorable. Taehyung not being able to control himself, kissed the crown of the younger's head.

He titled his head and started watching the movie again.


"Have you slept already?" asked the older dimly, to not disturb the peace of the atmosphere.

The younger his head slowly against his firm chest. The older smiled humming which made the younger giggle.

"Your chest vibrated" gushed he, poking the hard chest. Jungkook started drawing random shapes on Taehyung's shirt.

"And you are tickling me" stated the older, smiling. Finally the younger wasn't upset anymore, he was feeling relieved.

"You feel ticklish? But your chest is so.....hard, how can it tickle?" questioned the younger.

"Oh really then by that logic, your waist is small, you won't feel it either" 

Without any warning the older started tickling the younger who couldn't stop the giggles leaving past his lips. He squirmed trying to stop the older but it didn't work. The older tickled him till he was crying tears of joy. Till his jaw hurt from all the smiling and laughing. Till his face was flushed from not being able to breathe properly.

"Fine, fine!! You feel tickles!!" surrendered Jungkook, smiling widely at the older, showing him his bunny smile.

They were both sitting now, Jungkook still between Taehyung's legs as the latter had his arms wrapped around his back.

8 Letters [Vkook]⏳Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ