Look at the stars

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Sometimes when I feel empty and sad, I just go out to the hill behind the Avengers compound, lay in the grass and look at the stars. I do this every Sunday, at 10pm.

As I child, I was always fascinated by the stars. How they look and how they shine so bright in the dark sky. I could stare for hours.

I remember what my mom used to tell me.

"Just look at the stars and every worry will go away for just a moment."

Just like now, I'm currently getting ready to go to the hill. I put my jacket on since it's the middle of February. I also take a blanket with me to lay on it. (A/N: I wrote this in February😭)

I close the door to my room and before I leave the Avengers compound, I make my way to Steve to let him know where I'm going. Well, Steve is actually the only person who knows about this. One day, he got suspicious so I told him. He was very supportive.

Everyone is doing something, Steve is reading a book, Bruce and Tony are in the lab, Clint is visiting his family and Natasha is probably training.

Finally, I came to a stop at the library. I knock on the door and hear a little 'come in'.

I open the door and it reveals Steve, who is sitting in a very looking comfortable chair. He has a book in his hands

"Hey Steve, just wanna let you know that I'm going now." I tell him while standing by the door frame.

"Of course. Thank you." He says with a small smile.

I smile back and quietly close the door. Now I make my way to the exit of the compound. I found the exit and leave my home.

It's cold outside, but not the freezing cold type. The trees are slightly moving due to the light wind.

I walk across the big field towards the hill. It's not a big hill, it takes around 5 minutes to go up to the top.

Minutes later, I finally made it to the top of the hill. From there, you can see the lake and the Avengers compound. The A logo shines bright at night.

I use the blanket, that I brought with me, to lay it out on the ground.

When the blanket is layed out, I make my way to the front and sit down. I bend my knees so they are by my chest and I warp my arms out them.

I first look around, observing the area. The river next to the Avengers compound shines from the moon light. The trees move slightly because of the wind and the ground is a little covered by the snow.

Suddenly I hear footsteps approaching me, the little snow crunches.

I slightly turn my head to look who it is and it turns out its the one and only redhead, Natasha.

Natasha and I didn't have the best relationship from the start, we didn't got along really well, but as the time flies by, we started to talk more and eventually we became friends. After a while, I grew feelings for her.

"What are you doin out here?" I break the silence as I fully turn to the Avenger.

"I was looking for you and I knew you were here." She reveals.

I give her a confused look, as Steve is the only person who knows about my little place on the hill and he promised he would never tell anyone about it.

Natasha senses my confusion and explains.

"I noticed a while ago, that you always go somewhere, so I followed you two weeks ago and it led to this place." She looked around before turning her gaze again on me.

"I told Steve and he said that he is the only person who knows and he promised he won't tell anyone. I apologize If I entered you privacy." She gives me a small smile.

"No, no don't worry Nat." I shake my head.

There was a brief silence between us, before Natasha breaks the silence.

"Can I stay here?" She asks and I nod my head.

Natasha comes around and takes a seat next to me. She looks up at the sky and sees the stars. I look at her side profile. She is so beautiful. Her bright green eyes shine from the moon light as well as her skin. Her red hair slightly waves due to the wind.

"The stars are beautiful aren't they?" She asks with a small smile.

"Yeah they are indeed." I say as I still have my gazed fixed on her.

She turns her head to look at me and blushes as she realized that I was talking about her.

I could ask her a question I have had on my mind since Tony announced that he will be throwing a party.

"Soooo, uhm.... Tonys party is this weekend and I was..uhm... wondering If..." I rumble and I look away with a blush.

Natasha uses her index finger to turn my head to look at her. She giggles slightly.

"Of course I will be your date, dummy." She says with the brightest smile that could shine the world.

We talk for a while and eventually it got very cold so we got up and went back inside the compound. We talked more in her room and sometime we fell asleep while cuddling.


A/N: small one shot :)) I really want to make a one shots series with actresses, I will soon start one.

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