dude, don't touch her

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Ah yes, one of the most famous parties, Tony Starks parties. Everybody loved to go there, get drunk and have the best time of their lives.

You were quite the opposite. You never liked parties, even tough you go there with your girlfriend, Natasha. She always encourages you to attend them with her so, why not.

You were in your bathroom, getting ready as Nat is dressing up. After finishing, you got out as you were shocked how good Nat looked.

As you stood there dumbfounded, Tasha turns around and laughs at your state.

"You okay? I think you have drool at the corner of your lips." She laughs at you while pointing to her mouth.

"Huh? Yea-h yo- u look amazing, stunning wow." You stutter. She smiles, looking down and blushing.

The thing in your guys relationship is, that it is very rare when Natasha blushes. She only does it when you compliment her, she always hides it by looking down and smiling.

"Thank you. You look breathtaking. They will all drool over you." She says and you raise an eyebrow as she turns back to the big mirror.

You wrap your arm around her waist from the back, resting your head on her shoulder, looking at her through the mirror.

"Well, lucky for you you are my date." You tell, kissing her cheek.

She turns around, cupping you face and kissing you passionately. Natasha wraps her arms around your neck and grabs your hair.

You pull way slowly, due to the lack of oxygen. "Lets go or Tony will assume we are having sex." You chuckle and she laughs.

"Well, who knows what's going to happen after this party ends." She says winking at you, interlocking her hand with yours, dragging you out of the room . Leaving you, again, dumbfounded.

Walking through the doors of the party room, you were immediately met by Tony.

"I really thought you guys are having sex how long it took you guys to come. Everyone is already here." He exclaims.

You turn your head to Natasha. "See, I told you he would think that."

Natasha giggles. "No Tony, we didn't."

"Puh, okay. Go have fun!" Tony yells as he walks away.

Natasha rolls her eyes. You look around and see there are a lot of people, of course all the avengers.

"I'm gonna head to Wanda and Maria. I will see you later moya lyubov (my love)?" Nat says to you as she  places her hands on your waist.

"Yeah, I am gonna mingle with people, having drinks, blabla the usual." You say as you roll your eyes.

She giggles and nods, gives you a quick kiss and walks to Wandas direction.

You watch her walk away, you sigh and decide to have drink. Walking up to the bar, you see Clint, Sam and Steve talking amongst themselves.

"Hello boys." You says as you encounter the three avengers.

"Hey Y/N, you wanna join us?" The fossil asks you.

"Yeah, but first I need a strong drink." You say as you prepare yourself a drink.

After making yourself a drink, you sit next to Clint, next to him Steve and next to him is Sam. You four start talking about everything.

A little while later, Steve asks "Where is Nat?"

"Probably with Wanda, I don't know." You shrug as you look around, looking for your redhead.

"Ah there she is... talking to Lucas?!" Clint says with shock in his voice. You immediately follow his gaze and see Lucas flirting with Natasha. She laughs at something he says.

You clench your jaw looking away. Steve, Clint and Sam look at you.

"Aren't you gonna do something?" Sam asks with concerns.

"Why should I? I don't control who she should be friends with or not. It's not my business." You say after taking a sip of your strong drink.

"Yeah but... that's Agent Lucas." Steves says with his beer in his hand.

"What about him?" You ask the super soldier with raised eyebrows.

"We know he has a crush on Tasha since he started working for Shield. He told us three that, in the first week he got here." Clint says.

"Well, does Nat know?" You ask , sipping your drink.

"No she doesn't." Sam answers your question.

"As long as he doesn't touch her." You say with your back still to Natasha and Lucas.

Sam, Steve and Clint look back to Natasha and Lucas. Then turn back to you.

"Too late." Hawkeye says.

Your head immediately shots up and look to the direction of Natasha.

Lucas touches her waist slightly.

Instantly, you stood up from the chair and walk to Nat.

"This gonna be interesting." Sam mumbles in his drink, watching you walk away.

As you approach them, you push Lucas with your hand on his chest away.

Natasha looks to you confused, but you keep your eyes on the new agent.

"Dude, don't fuckin touch her." You say, angrily.

"And who are you to tell me what I should do or not? If I flirt with her, then I flirt with her." Lucas says as stands tall, even tough you have the same height as him.

"I am her girlfriend you dipshit. So don't touch her or I will cut your hand off." You say aggressively as you stand face to face with him.

"She is so hot, being all angry and protecting me." Nats thoughts.

Wanda looking at her with arms crossed and raised eyebrow. Natasha ignores her as she keeps staring at the two of you.

"I don't care who you are. Now go. You ruined everything." The new agents orders.

You started laughing. He looks at you confused. Suddenly he was about to punch you, but you dodged it, pushing him hard so he stumbles back.

"What the fuck? You fuckin idiot." He shouts as he stand straight up again.

You smile at him, starting to walk to him. He starts to walk to you as well. But before something happens, Steve stood between you both.

"Y/N it's not worth it. So let's go." Steve says calmly and you nod.

Tony came up with security, taking Lucas way from you.

All watch as they escort Lucas out of the party. You sigh. Natasha looks at you with arms crossed, she flips her red hear behind her shoulder.

"You could have handled it nicer." Natasha says as she eyes you.

"Sorry, I just don't know what came up to me. Hearing that he likes you and then touching your waist. I just snapped. Sorry." You says sincerely to your redhead.

She looks to you with a little smile. Giving you a peck on the cheek. "I thought it was hot, how you protected me."

You peer up at her with a smile on your own. "Ha ha ha, you are so needy. Lets go have a drink, darling." You say as you drag her to the bar.

There was just the two of you, having a drink and talking.

You were about to sip your drink until she came closer to your ear and whispers "After this, I want to properly thank you for earlier." She winks at you and you blush. Siting there, dumbfounded.

She giggles and sips her drink.

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