you have a place in this world

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The warm water is dripping down my body. Steam is spreading everywhere.

Taking showers is like escaping reality. No worries. Nothing.

After a good 15 minute shower, I get out and start to dress up with my clothes, which I picked out before I went to take a shower. A simple grey joggers and a green sweater.

Putting on the last piece of clothes, I make my way out of the bathroom while drying my wet hair.

Suddenly, I get startled by a feminine voice.

"I hope you didn't use all the hot water." The voice said.

I turn around to see who it is. It's Natasha.

I start chuckling. "Sorry, used it all. I thought that everyone has already showered."

Natasha starts laughing and looking down.

I admire her. She is sitting on a bed in a robe. Tasha has folded clothes on her lap. She has her legs crossed and her hands are on the clothes.

"I should have joined you." She suddenly says out of nowhere, which makes me shut up immediately.

"I uh, I uhhh...." My cheeks are probably red as a tomato.

Natasha starts laughing again, which makes me very confused.

Me and Natasha have been flirting constantly since I joined the Avengers. At first it was just fun, but for a while I started to develop feelings. I tried to get rid of them, but it's IMPOSSIBLE. I mean, have you seen Nat? She is beautiful and caring. She has an amazing personality. And me? I am an idiot and she is way out of my league.

ANYWAYS, back to where we are.

"I was just kidding." She says as she looks up at me and smiles, showing her perfect teeth.

"How are you? You know, what the witch made us see." I ask her carefully.

When I look at her, she seems kinda sad. So I walk to her and sit next to her on the bed.

"It was a lot." Natasha says looking down to avoid my gaze.

"You don't have to talk about it, but If you ever need someone to talk to, I am always her for you." I smile at and she finally looks up to me smiling back.

"I saw the Red Room. I was trained and raised there. They have a graduation ceremony, they sterilize you. They taught us not to love or have emotions, they say it makes us weak. They took me when I was a child. I was in a fake family in Ohio. I have a sister, even tough she isn't really my sister, but she is to me. She was also taken by the Red Room. I never saw her again. I escaped and I never really looked for her. She is probably dead." Natasha finishes looking down again.

I am speechless. She went through so much and you can't even see it until she tells her story. I feel really bad for her. She doesn't deserve this, no one deserves this.

I said nothing, instead I hug her. Tightly. At first she tensed but as soon as she registered that it's me, she hugs back.

"I am sorry you went through that. You didn't deserve it." I whisper to her, caressing her back.

She stuffs her face in the crook of my neck. I can feel tears on my skin. I have never seen her this vulnerable.

After a solid three minutes hug session she pulls away.

I look at her and she looks at me. Our faces inches away. Her eyes say it all, pain.

"They always asked us during training 'Do you have a place in this world?' and then we would respose with 'I have no place in this world.' Even after many years I think that I don't deserve this chance Clint gave me. I am no hero. I am no role model to little girls. I am a cold blooded killer." Natasha exclaims with voice cracks.

I cup her face and say,"You are a hero. To me. To your sister. To everyone. You are a beautiful person, Natasha. Inside and out. You fight for what it is right. You fight for you sister. This chance that Clint gave you, use it to make up for it."

She looks at me.

"You deserve the world." I whisper to her.

She slowly leans in, which I also do. Our lips connect. They fit perfectly. I have waited for this moment since New York. We don't kiss roughly, it's more soft.

Air becomes a problem so we slowly pull away at the same time. We rest our foreheads, our eyes are closed.

Okay Y/N be a big girl and tell her about you feelings. Pull you big girl pants.

"I-I like you Natasha. A lot." I whisper to Natasha who still has her eyes closed.

She opens her eyes and looks at me.

"I like you too, Y/N." She also admits with a smile, which I also do.

I peck her lips softly and hug her. She immediately hugs me back.

"Natalia." The redhead says out of nowhere. I pull back from the hug to look at her with confusion.

"What?" I ask the ex assassin.

"Natalia is my real name. You can call me that or Natasha or however you want." She explains with her perfect smile.

"Okay. So will you Natalia go on a date with me after whatever we will face?" I ask with hesitation.

"Of course I will go on a date with you, you idiot." She says with a nod and smile.

My face lits up like a kid on Christmas.

"Wait really?" I ask in disbelief.

Natasha starts giggling and smiling.

"Of course you idiot. You thought I was gonna say no?" Natasha asks still giggling slightly.

"I- uh- know? I- well you could have anyone and you choose to go on a date with ME!?" I exclaim, pointing my index finger on my chest with wide eyes.

Natasha laughs slightly and cups my face.

"You are special Y/N. No one has ever had made me feel this way. You listen to me, cook for me and give the best cuddles. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I feel things for you that I never had." The black widow finishes with a soft smile that warms up my heart.

I lean in and kiss her softly. She grips my nape and her finger tips are in my hair.

We move in sync. Forgetting our surroundings completely. The soft kiss slowly turns into a make out session.

A loud bang on the door makes us separate. I groan slightly which makes Natasha giggle and hidding her face in my shoulder.

"Lovebirdsssss, food is readyyyyy." Clint sings though the door.

"Okayyyyyyyyy. Byeeeeeee." I reply back the same way Clint did.

Me and Natasha look at each other and burst out laughing.

After a solid minute, I stand up.

"I will go downstairs. Okay?" I ask her softly with a smile.

Natasha also stands up and snakes her arms around my neck and pecks my lips.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower and then come downstairs." Natasha says with her raspy voice.

I nod my head and walk to the door. I open it, but stop and turn around to face Natasha.

"Hey Nat?"

Natasha turns around to face me, as she was about to open the bathroom door.


I smile at her and say, "You have a place in this world."

Natasha smiles brightly at me and walks into the bathroom.

And with that I walk out the room.



Hello people. Wrote this bc I had a bad day. Thank you for reading.

Take care of yourself! <3

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