Chapter 2: Returns

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He knew it. Of course he fucking knew it. She's been doing this since he was a literal baby. She walked towards him with elegance and smiled sinisterly. Terrance sighed. "I fucking hate you." he hissed. "Well that's great, because I do too." She replied before swiftly moving. She jabbed the arrow to his head quickly, the feeling of a quick jolt of pain everywhere appeared for him. "AauGh FUCK!!" He cursed in pain, tears were forming around his eyes from the amount of pain he had just received. He fell to the ground to his knees in pain, harshly bringing more bruises on his body by doing so. He couldn't open his eyes. Everything had hurt. Soon he felt liquid pouring through his head. Blood. A laugh had went through his mind, internally thinking the worst. No matter how many times she did this to him, he still never get over the pain.

"Terry!" Kenny's familiar voice rang through to his ears.

By the voice, he forced himself up even though he twitched like crazy from the pain. His strength was leaving by the second, he opened his eyes slightly to see that Kenny had been in front of him now. Kenny was trying to help Terrance up, crying harshly while trying to do so. You see Kenny's not really quite used to this yet since he's just 5- he does not have much experience unlike Terrance, but he sure does know well enough to know she only does this to the both boys. "Ughh.." Terrance groaned. The pain was unbearable. "AAAUGH!!" He heard Kenny scream loudly enough to provoke goosebumps. It was enough for him to open his eyes widely in full alert as he stood up quickly, not caring about the pain at the very moment. His head hurt like crazy but he needed to see Kenny, he needed to be sure it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be- of course judging by the scream it must have been brutal. "You both are mistakes you know that?" Flora snarled behind Kenny, a hint of anger with her tone. It was then when Terrance realized that she had stabbed Kenny with a spear right through his back. He was desperate in taking it out as he was burbling words.

He was trying to speak, his blood was oozing everywhere, just like a fountain of blood. His mouth was dripping so much of that red liquid, his chest was doing the same thing. The smell of the blood was spreading around the room, how toxic the smell was. Kenny's eyes were paralyzed with fear. His mouth hung open in shock and pain as he finally froze, most likely to take a breather.
"You sick bitch." Terrance managed to croak out, seeing the horrid sight from what Flora had caused.

She grinned even harder, she seemed just like the Cheshire Cat at this point, but of course worse than that thing. She turned around and quickly grabbed a net(?) and swung them over his arms before he could stop her. He tried to move out of them but instead had gotten a sharp pain through his arms. He flinched and looked down just to see his arms dangling, seeing how they were dangling - they almost seemed to be completely cut off. Once again, more blood was being released to the floor staining the floor. So much so, that Terrance could even hear the drips of it coming out. He gasped at a realization. These were new weapons, he wasn't used to this at all. It would usually be drowning or hanging upside down to cut him in half or even the removal of his fingers.
'Wow ok so she just got bored' were his thoughts.
Must this mean she really does hate them if she's trying to make them suffer even more for every time she kills them?
Who knows, this is a mystery.
"T-erGhy.." Terrance heard Kenny try to speak his name, this snapped his attention onto him, still clenching his teeth in pain. Blood was still oozing through his mouth, so of course he still couldn't manage to speak fluently. He was left on the ground. "Ghhh. ." A pained groan escaped Terrance's mouth. "How'd you like my new toys? They're fun right?" She said in a very passive way, smiling so hard it seemed forced.
"They're. . . . s-shit." He replied clearly being pissed at her, nothing new of course. "Mhmmmm. . . . alrighty, well I guess you wouldn't mind if I used more on you." She spat at him, clearly being tickled off herself. His eyes widened after hearing this,
'Hell no, I'm not having more of this shit again' he screeched in his mind.
He bared his teeth and angrily looked at her in despise, not like it really did anything though. She yanked the net (or string of death or whatever you call it) back. "AuGh!" He yelled out in agony. His arms stretched open and got cut clean off from his body, his veins were also stretched, some were cut off and releasing blood. His bones were just all broken at this point.
It was red.
Red was everywhere, it couldn't be helped.

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