| Addition | Allan's workplace and co-workers

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A setting of a building the plans parties and face paintings for children was a very tired man also known as-
"ALLAN!! HEY THERE BUD!" A familiar voice rang in Allan's head as he sighed. He let himself fall on his desk with a loud sigh as he heard the door close behind him. A young man in his early 20s with chocolate brown hair, green emerald eyes and an attire of the colors navy blue and baby blue had came in. "Travis please, I'm trying to finish the last parts of this document." Allan annoyingly said as he shifted his eyes onto him. 'Travis Swelton' was the name of this young lad and boy was he troublesome. He simply shrugged. "Aw come on, I really can't handle being out there with nothing to do!" Allan stifled. "What do you mean nothing to do?? This place is always packed." He seemed confused as he squinted his eyes onto him. Travis blinked not being fazed whatsoever. "You heard me, absolutely nothing, if I have to be frank it's been a while since we've had a lot of people over here, we do have some but not much." He yawned a bit as he spoke. "It gets lonely out there with just Casey and me." Allan kept silent and continued working on his tasks, trying to ignore the fact that Travis was there with him. He sighed again feeling Travis' eyes burning into his soul, he couldn't work with Travis just looking at him the whole time. That is until something broke the silence.

"Oh hey is that your wife! Woo what a catch!"

"Huh?!" Allan immediately got alerted as he looked over back to Travis holding a picture of his wife. "Hey put that back!" He stood up as he went over to Travis and grabbed a hold of the picture to put it back to where it belongs, that being the cabinet. "Woah, no need to be so grumpy! Sheesh- did I push your buttons or something?" He scoffed and crossed his arms as he started gazing off. Allan sat back down trying to finish. "Travis just please go- you're really bothering me right now and I wish to finish early so I can go home early." He kept his eyes down on the paper as he kept working. "Ugh fine! You're no fun!" He headed back to the door, opening it and right before he closed it- "See ya pops!" He heard a loud sigh as the door closed through the walls. He snickered, bothering Allan was truly a pleasure and pretty fun to him, kept his work entertaining. He started walking around the building trying to find something to do as he was horrible bored now.



A young woman in her early 20s with beautiful golden locks of hair, shiny grey eyes and an outfit clashing with the colors of light violet, white and blue came onto the picture. Her name being 'Casey Vick', as mentioned from earlier, and right now at the moment she did not look happy- at all. She was heading straight to Travis' face with a very angered face.

"C-Casey hey! H-hold on for a sec, w-we can talk!" He replied as he backed away.

"NO NOTHING! YOU LEFT ME BEHIND WITH PAINTING ALL THOSE FACES WITHOUT YOUR HELP!" She pointed to her stained with gloves, she kept heading over to him, aggressively stomping as she did so. "Y-you see - I was just - well- um- - - SEE YA!" He ran back to where Allan's office was as fast as he could. "H-HUH?! GET BACK HERE!" She ran after him as he started sprinting.

Meanwhile with Allan

"Ah! Finally I'm done with this! I can't wait to go home and sleep a bit earlier for God's sake phew-" He sighed a bit happily knowing how excited and surprised his children would be, he sure did hoped that they missed him, oh my, especially Flora, he can't wait to see an actual surprised expression on her face, that'd be cute of her to do. He smiled a bit as he kept thinking about those thoughts as he was on his desk. "Well, times a wasting, I better pick up my stuff and go back home as soon as possible no-" His voice was interrupted immediately as his door was opened and closed quickly by none other than . . . . . Travis.

Of course it was Travis.

"Travis please!- Didn't I say not to-" "IT IS NOT THE TIME TO SCOLD ME, IT'S LIFE OR DEATH FOR ME RIGHT NOW"
Allan jolted at the interrupted and took the time to process this as he was legitimately confused about what he just said. "Did you have beef with Casey?" Soon as if it was right on cue, Casey burst in angrily. "I swear to god you motherfucker, I don't even get how you have this job if you don't do anything at all around here." Travis was visibly nervous before speaking, obviously not wanting to get smacked like ever single other time. "M-maybe because I'm just - naturally pleasant to have around?"
"Excuse me?"
Casey's had now contorted to a very upset face at him.
"UM- WAI-"
A smack was heard from the office they were in, a visible red mark on Travis' cheek burning up and feeling the pain come through from the attack. "I swear, it's like you never learn Travis, ugh." Casey almost had walked off before looking back at Allan. "Oh! And sorry about this Allan, probably ruined whatever you had planned but - you know how this guy is." She pointed at Travis holding his cheek in pain. Allan had no absolute idea what had just happened knowing how slow he is but he just nodded as a way to confirm. "Well um- seems as your done, well then, say hi to your family for me, hope they're not dying without you, bye!" She walked off now going back to her station. Allan nodded once again as she left, he looked over at Travis and looked at him in an absolute unamused expression. "Travis just go back to where you're supposed to be working." Travis stifled a bit and rubbed his cheek again before putting his hand down. "Yeah yeah I got it, sheesh you're giving me a headache." Travis left the office as he now walked off leaving behind a white paper with a drawing of a dark figure with vibrant hot pink teeth that came out of his pocket. Allan had paid no mind of this and walked off, now going home with his car to see his family.

'Oh how surprised will they be!' He kept thinking, or will he?

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