Chapter 3; Holiday fun

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Monday,10.June 11.30 a.m.

At Linney's house

Mom «Good morning.»
Linney «Morning mom, I gotta meet my friends at headquarters, it's and emergency! You cool with that? Yeah? Okay,thanks! Love you, bye!»
Mom «W-what just happened?»
Ashley (8 years old; Linney's younger sister) «Another reason why I am not looking forward to puberty.»

At Mats' house

Mats «Hey,mom. Can i get to headquarters to meet my friends? It's an emergency!»
Mom «Ah, if i could redo my childhood good to be young. Of course you can, I regret not doing that as a kid. Need any money?»
Mats «Thanks, but no thanks, bye!»

The rest of the cool wild members had already discussed it with their parents.
Amy also decided to give the gang a try.

12.30 a.m.

Today was the day where we wanted to go to McPlay, so her mother picked us all up and Amy little sister insisted that she'd come.
So we went there and played for 2hrs.
Amy's mom had to go back alone with here little sister and wanted to pick us up again in 1hr.
we went to the market square, where I saw a poster that read : Hiphop Match, winner gets 70€
And I just had to participate; my friends didn't know that I could dance and didn't imagine that hiphop was my style.
So we eventually got there and I danced and danced and they all cheered and clapped.
My friends were amazed, so now we had 140€ in cash.
So we went to Saturn and bought gadgets for our headquarters.
We also posted some fotos with hashtags like #chillingwithfriends and something like that.
Later on Amy's mom picked us up again and drove us home.

At headquarters

We tried out the new gadgets and we even built a toilet.
We also called an electrician to fix the TV we bought.
Then we watched Netflix and sometimes Disney+ and chilled.
After some time we all went home.
That was an exciting and fun day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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