Chapter 2; Creating the cool wild

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Saturday,8. June 3p.m.

We met the day after, behind the stadium.
That's where we were going to build our treehouse, or as we call it "headquarters".
We all asked our parents to give us our pocket money for the next 3 months that day.
in total we got 526€.
I got all the stuff we needed from the Home Depot.
Me and my friends built it and it looks pretty good.
Linney «Yes,finally finished.»
Mats «Yeah, you did all the heavy lifting, you're amazing!»
Linney «T-thanks, too you- I mean you too»
Matts «Thanks, I guess?»
Barin,Lukas,Betül and Amy in union «OOoohhh, somebody's in loooovee»
Mats and Linney in union «Stop it, we're not in love»
But when I said it me and my best friend, Betül were thinking the same thing ''Quit lying'' ,because I totally do have a huge crush on him, since 5th grade, and I was going to be in his class.
The ''jobs'' and tasks were divided like this.
I don't mean to brag but I'm the coolest,sportiest, in charge of music and the cool vibes and co-leader, I know that sounds like a lot of pressure but it isn't, it's actually kind of fun; a skateboarder.
Mats is the sporty one,kinda our secretary and manager; skateboarder.
Betül is the fun one,sporty and designer, she's already ordered our headbands with our group name on it; biker
Barin, our fearsome and brave Leader; stuntscooter rider.
Lukas in charge of contributions, is cool too and biker
Our headquarters was kind of hidden, so almost no one saw it.
We even bought a fridge and a toilet.
There was a secret on how to get down the ladder to climb up, that only we knew, so any intruders that tried to enter our headquarters would get sprayed with a horrible stinking liquid.
We were done for that day and this was only the beginning, there were a lot more adventures awaiting us.

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