•...overworked <3...•

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                      modern au

(Childe's) pov

zhongli has had a bad mood since he got home from work which is very understandable since he had alot of work he had to take care of and most of the time he had to work overtime,

"poor xiangsheng..he has so much work to do.." childe whispered to himself while staring at the room which zhongli was in,

"i don't wanna disturb him but..im worried about him.." childe thought as he knocked on the door, "li? can i come in?" childe asked softly,

"please not right now chide.." childe heard in the other side, despite what the other had said the ginger went in anyways, "..childe.." zhongli said tiredly,

childe felt horrible for disturbing zhongli but he was in fact really worried for the others well being, childe sat down at the edge of their shared bed "childe please..i wanna be alone.." zhongli said sternly

"i know i know..im sorry but im really worried about you.." childe said, zhongli sighed as he knew that the other was just looking out for him,

"i'm alright ajax..just really stressed.." zhongli said softly "that's not true! you're definitely not alright! you can't go five minutes without falling asleep!" what childe said was not a lie zhongli couldn't stay up longer than a few minutes due to lack of sleep,

zhongli sighed once more before pulling childe on the bed, "im sorry for worrying you.." zhongli said as he pressed his lips on the other's, zhongli got up from the bed, "let us eat now yeah?" zhongli said offering his hand to the other "mhm.." childe said smiling as he grabbed the others hand,


they both sat down and started eating, "whyy" childe whined "childe, i can't take a day off especially when i have so much to finish.." zhongli said as he took another bite of the food, "can't you take just one day off?" childe said pouting, it took all of zhongli to resist that face "no ajax.." zhongli said still resisting,

in the end he gave in, "you're such a pain.." zhongli said as he finished eating, "you know you love me~" childe said as he chuckled, i mean zhongli could take a break whenever he wanted considering he is the ceo of the company, but with the amount of paper work he could never do so,

once childe and zhongli finished cleaning up the table and washing the dishes they went back to their room to finally rest.

"ahh..finally finished" childe spoke plopping himself down on the bed and zhongli followed by lying down next to him, "mm..yeah im pretty sleepy.." zhongli said while yawning,

"mhm i bet you are.." childe said as he wrapped his arms around zhongli's neck resting his head on the other's shoulder,

zhongli would wrap his arms around childe's waist pulling him closer, they stayed like that for awhile until zhongli's eyes grew heavy and eventually fell asleep,

childe noticed the other had fallen asleep so he sighed in relief knowing that zhongli can finally rest peacefully without worrying about anything.

"goodnight li..sleep well" 

hello thanks for reading i hope you enjoyed! it's waayy past my bedtime, if i had one- anyways hope you have great a day/night <33

•...zhongchi oneshots &lt;3...•जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें