Chapter 1

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I open the door to the dorm I'm suppose to be in and my eyes widen as I see it's a male.

"Oh god dammit" I mumble as he looks up and chuckles.

"Damn don't be so happy baby" he says jokingly as I set my bags down.

"It's not that. I wasn't told I would be sharing a room with a male. I forgot it can be either or since it's college" I say as he smiles.

"Yea well I don't bite so don't worry. I'm Kolio" he says as I smile a little.


My brother comes into the room and sees Kolio.

"Y/n are you sure this is the right dorm?"

"The i-pad kid brother everyone" I say as Kolio stifles a laugh.

"I'm serious! "

"Yes Benji. I'm sure it is. Trust me this is my room number" I say as I roll my eyes.

"Mom and dad would be all over the place if they knew this"

"Mom would be glad I'm interacting with another male"

Kolio looks confused.

"We were homeschooled cause we live in Phoenix Arizona and our parents thought the school in the area was dangerous" he says as Kolio slowly nods.

"Yet I got great people skills" I add.

"Definitely. But homeschool people are still people" says Kolio as I smile.

Benji goes to his dorm as Kolio looks at me.

"Ya know you are pretty. You single? " Kolio asks as I giggle.

"Single? Bitch you wish you could tap my ass. But yea I am"

"Good. I'm helping you get a boyfriend then" he says as he stands up and grabs my hand.

"Uh... "

"We are going to the activity fair! " he states as he drags me to it.

I walk by some stand and this ginger haired girl stops me.

"Can you sing? "

"Yea? Wait are you the Bellas? I would totally love to audition! " I say excited.

"Can you match pitch? " the blonde girl asks.

"Yea! "

I copy a few notes and she looks pissed.

"Well nice to meet you... Uh... "


"Y/n" the blonde says annoyed. I shrug and walk with Kolio to some all male singing group.

"Oh fuck me in the ass" I say kinda loud as I notice it's the Trebles.

Benji walks up to me with some dude I never seen before.

"Don't say that please Y/n. This is my roommate Jesse! " he says as I look at the dude and wave.

"Can you sing? " I ask Jesse.

Since the Trebles were singing already Jesse belts out part of the song and I just smile.

"Pure talent" Kolio says as Jesse thanks him.

The Trebles stop singing and Benji wants to talk to them.

"Be cool everyone. It's just a normal day!" He says.

The leader looks confused as Benji walks up.

"Hi I'm Benji L/n. Such a huge fan. I saw your performance at the Mall of America and was in love ever since. Maybe we could um exchange emails and totally hang out some time" he says as the three of us stand there and I face palm.

"I'm sorry but your weirdness is affecting my vocal cords. I need ya to scoot. Skedaddle" says the leader.

"Emails Benji? " I ask as the group looks at me.

"Uh yea... "

"If you want to join some group you don't gotta ask out the leader. Like damn man"

"Hey now we talked about this. I'm not actually gay. That was a joke" he says as I remember the time we were playing house at age ten and he got bored of fake dating a female imaginary woman and fake dated a male one instead.

"I'm sorry bout him. He can be a dork. A good person. Just strange" I say as this dude with a hat butts in to the slightly existing conversation.

"That's nice and all sweetheart but Bumper here asked him to leave" he says as I slightly blush when he called me sweetheart.

I nod and we all leave.

"Dude that dude with that hat was hot" I say as we are walking back to the dorms.

"Please sis. Not another crush... The last one never went away till they moved away" my brother says as I giggle a little.

I can't wait for the future. It has to be good. Right?

The Female Treble (Wes/Hat x fem!reader) Where stories live. Discover now