Scarlett nodded then focused back on the menu. She ordered herself a drink and a meal then sat back and observed the other people in the room. The door to the bar opened and in walked Liam and Alex. Scarlett could feel her eyes roll back into her skull. However, She noticed quickly that Liam was wearing sunglasses inside and it was getting close to 7 pm so it was dark outside as well.

Liam noticed Scarlett and immediately walked towards her. She sighed as he approached the empty seat and sat down.

"Excuse you," Scarlett said defensively.

"Look, we need to talk," He said, leaning in close so the other tables couldn't hear him.

"I already said what I needed to say to you" She spat back. The waitress came and placed Scarlett's tequila and soda in front of her. "Thanks," She said quickly, then turned her attention back to Liam.

"Look I didn't know that was going to happen, Alex came onto me in the bathroom hallway" Liam explained.

"Are you really trying to make an excuse right now?" Scarlett said exasperated at his cluelessness. "Shall I remind you again, you fucked a girl on a double date that we went on as a couple, that's fucked up Liam" She growled taking a sip.

"I still care about you," He said, almost sounding desperate.

"Bullshit," She said as her eyes flitted back to Alex at the door, her voice getting louder. "You should leave," She said firmly.

Liam didn't move.

"You should leave" a voice firmly spoke from behind Scarlett. She turned to see who it was.

Max was standing there, he crossed his arms and shot Liam a look that screamed leave. 

Liam's eyes drifted from Max back to Scarlett. "Moving onto another driver already Scarlett?" He said snarkily.

Scarlett had enough of this. She picked up her drink and threw the liquid at his face.

The rest of the bar turned to find out who made the noise that came out of Liam's mouth. It was almost a whine. He tore off his sunglasses to wipe his eyes clear.

Scarlett noticed a shiny black eye beneath his sunglasses.

"Woah" Scarlett said, sitting back and taking in the sight of the black eye.

Max chuckled to himself "Nice one, Danny Boy" he muttered under his breath.

Scarlett snapped her head in Max's direction as Liam finished wiping his face off.

"What did you say, Max?" Scarlett asked.

"Daniel punched him," He clarified simply.

"What?" Scarlett said shocked.

"Probably 'cause I stole two of his girls" Liam spat as he stood up. "I knew I should have done a better job of trying to keep you two apart" he muttered and walked out the door of the hotel bar. 

She rolled her eyes and turned back to Max. "Max, what do you know?" She asked sternly, Scarlett felt like she was getting information from a student when trying to solve an issue on the playground at lunchtime.

"Daniel punched Liam, that is all I know, Daniel didn't really want to get into it when I talked to him the other day," Max admitted. "Do you know anything, care to enlighten me?" He asked her.

"Oh," Scarlett said. Her mind now going a mile a minute. What were Daniel's motives behind that punch? Scarlett could spend hours trying to dissect the intentions and feelings, but that would just be time wasted.

Scarlett took a deep breath, "Liam and Alex went to Uni together, they got us on a double date together. Daniel was upset about the news of his seat, and my article coming out. We were chatting and it seemed like we were making progress on mending things. Then I went to the bathroom and found our dates having sex." She spoke quickly and looked at Max then down to the ground, as the memory of hearing Alex and Liam ripped through her mind.

His eyes widened. "He did what!" He said loudly taking a couple of steps towards the doors Liam had just exited.

Scarlett grabbed his arm to stop him. "Please, don't do anything, I don't need any other drama" She pleaded.

"So have you talked to Daniel since that?" Max asked.

"No, I did text him but didn't hear anything back. Figured he was busy" She said quickly.

Max gave her a side eye as he noticed Daniel coming through the door of the bar. He looked down at Scarlett's hand still holding his arm.

Scarlett quickly let go of his arm and looked at Daniel who made eye contact looked down to where her hand was then swiftly turned around and walked out. Scarlett let out a disappointed sigh.

Max looked at her, "Be honest with me Scarlett" he said with a serious yet sweet tone.

She looked up at him. "I can try," She said sheepishly.

"What is going on between you two," He said exasperated.

"Nothing..." She trailed off. "At this point, I don't think anything will happen," She said with a crack in her voice.

Max noticed that and raised an eyebrow. "Do you want something to happen?"

"The ball is in his court, I reached out. I'm not getting hurt again" She said defensively. "I don't think he has any interest in me, to be honest. Considering he just walked out of the room." She added as she gestured to the door.

Max shook his head and laughed to himself. His phone rang and he had to step away before he could explain his reaction. Scarlett was left sitting at the table, with a million more thoughts racing through her head. She ordered another drink as she seemed to have spilled hers all over Liam's face. It felt nice at the time, but now she just needed a drink to relax.

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