Chapter 22

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       Authors Note: enjoy a special not Friday release 😉 the next chapter is ready to go for Friday or when this chapter has 25 votes (whichever comes first)  you're going to want to read the next chapter! Trust me
please let me know your thoughts! I would love feedback! 

       It was race day, Scarlett made some final notes in her book before she stood up and walked over to the media area that was reserved for the podium ceremony.

      Max stepped up onto the first place position on the podium and was extremely excited, he shook the hands of the others and seemed to exhbit some good sportsmanship. Scarlett's eyes drifted to the pit lane, Daniel was watching a monitor of the ceremony outside of the McLaren garage and turned and walked in to talk to the same man Scarlett saw him talking to the other day.

      The man reached out and placed a hand on Daniel's shoulder. Daniel just shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and walked defeatedly out of Scarlett's sight.

      Scarlett stepped away from the podium ceremony and wandered back into the busy paddock. She moved through the crowds to find the media area where she had left her bag. When she exited the tent her phone rang.

      "Hello" Scarlett answered.

      "Hi Scarlett, It's Mark" Her boss on the other end answered.

      "Hi, Mark, what's up?" She asked as she passed a group of fans swarming Charles. He noticed her and waved. She returned the wave as she continued down the paddock.

      "I wanted to confirm the deadline for the article is tomorrow at 6 pm." He said matter of factly.

      "Got it, will have it to you by then! Looking forward to this opportunity." She smiled as Mark hung up the phone.

      Liam approached her with a smile. He wrapped his arm around her, "So time to celebrate with everyone?" He said.

      "Oh Liam, no I have to go home and start writing." She said as they walked down the paddock.

      Liam looked shocked. "You're turning down an F1 afterparty?" He said shocked.

      "I am, this article is very important to me. You should still go without me" She said.

      "Oh Definitely, I wouldn't miss the party for anything," He said as he saw a coworker and left Scarlett standing by herself.

      She stood in shock for a moment then continued walking to the paddock exit, she zig-zagged through the crowd.

      Daniel and the blonde passed Scarlett walking in the same direction as Liam. She watched them walk by. She was hanging off Daniel's arm and a pang of jealousy tore through Scarlett's chest.

      Scarlett walked faster to get out of the craziness of the paddock and went home to her quiet space to get started writing.

      Before Scarlett knew it, it was Monday afternoon and she was still sitting at her kitchen table writing what seemed to be the 100th version of her article. She finally settled on a topic that everyone would be interested in The Drivers.

      She read over the last paragraph of her article.

      "I know the personalities that are what the fans and readers want to hear about. As someone who spent time in the paddock. I found that the qualities of the drivers who make it into F1 are sincere, genuine and passionate people. The people who don't make it tend to be more selfish, narcissistic, and have a need to focus on their personalities and how they are portrayed in the media. Instead of focusing on perfecting the craft of racing. You can tell who the top drivers are because true passion blocks out their distractions."

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