18: Izzy - Summer rules

Start from the beginning

'Iz,' Em wined, in a jokey, semi-serious tone, 'I'm counting on you to keep an eye on Dom for me over the summer.'

'Hey, I can take care of myself,' Dom protested, slapping Em with a cushion.

'I probably won't even see him,' said Izzy. 'Where do you live again?' she threw to Dom. 'Woop woop?'

'I do get out occasionally,' Dom said laughing. 'I'll be in Sydney on Friday at Abscond.' He followed with a fist pump.

Em looked alarmed. 'You're not still going, are you?'

'Course I am, I promised Cole, and I've already organised to stay with him. Besides, I want to see you off at the airport.'

'Ah, you're sweet, but I'm serious, Dominic!' Em said. 'You're not to go anywhere fun without Izzy, okay?' Dom rolled his eyes.

Em bashed him on the shoulder. 'Sit up! I need to talk to you.'

Dom reluctantly pulled himself to a sitting position.

'Here's the deal. If there's a party on or you're out clubbing, you're both there, alright?' Em said, shifting her eyes from Dom to Izzy and back again. 'Friday night included. Make sure to invite her. And I want to hear all the deets.'

'No need. If Dom's going to Abscond, we'll see each other,' said Izzy. Abscond was a popular nightclub in North Sydney close to Izzy's house, where kids who lived on the North Shore (and could get past the bouncers!) regularly partied.

'I'm talking about a conscious effort to hang out.' Em said unswervingly to Dom. 'That way, I'll know what you're up to.'

Dom grinned.

Em suddenly perked up. 'She can go with you to Byron Bay at New Year.'

'What are you talking about?' asked Izzy. Em was acting psychotic.

'Dom's parents have friends who have a holiday house in Byron, and they've said he can take some friends up there,' said Em glumly. 'It's a disaster waiting to happen. I can just see it. All those girls in bikinis. This one won't be able to resist.'

'Better than schoolies,' Izzy said, smiling. She knew that Dom was upset that his parents had crushed his plans to go to the Gold Coast and crash the year 12 schoolies.

'Hey, it not actually a bad idea, if you'd like to come,' said Dom. 'You're welcome Iz....maybe Tal or Zara too?'

'Zara's away this summer,' said Em. 'She's going to Perth with her sister.'

'Oh well, Tal then?' said Dom. 'The house is actually in the hinterland. Not in the Bay. And it's going to be much tamer than schoolies, I promise you that.'

Izzy contemplated what Dom was asking. 'It's beautiful,' he persuaded. 'It's this tiny little town called Uki, with like one café. Plus, we've got a boat at Murwillumbah. We can go skiing.'

'That sounds amazing,' said Izzy, though not with any certainty. 'Are you sure? I'll have to speak to my parents.'

'I'm sure.' Dom said. 'It'll be fun. And Tal too. That'll make Cole happy. Did I mention he was coming?'

Since Izzy had snubbed Cole, he seemed to have moved on in his affections quickly and was now interested in Tal.

'Your Mum and Dad will be there?' Izzy confirmed.

'Probably just my Mum, but yes, there will be at least one responsible adult. If that's what you're asking.'

'Sorry, but my folks are pedantic like that. They'll want to talk to your Mum. Is that okay?'

'Of course. No problem.'

'And I'll wait to see if Tal can go too. If she goes, I'll go. I don't want to be the only girl.'

Em looked pleased with herself.

'Are you satisfied, my darling?' said Dom. 'You'll have your own personal spy watching me while you're away.'

'Spies. Plural.' Em responded. 'Tal doesn't know it yet, but she's going to Byron. Two's better than one.'

Dom laughed. 'Aw Em, you're getting all jealous and protective? That's cute.'

'Don't laugh,' said Em, 'there are rules for this summer buddy and my girls will be watching you. I'm not joking!'

'Oh yeah, like what?'

'Well,' said Em, cocking her head to the side in contemplation. 'Rule number 1. No kissing other girls, under any circumstances. I forbid it. Your Casanova days are over...Sac.'

'It's going to be a painfully long and boring summer...' said Dom smiling. 'We'll have to make up for the lost time before you go.' As he pulled Em into his arms, Izzy averted her eyes from their display of affection. They were always doing this. Didn't they see her here!

Em pushed Dom away from her with a playful shove. 'Don't think you can distract me, boyfriend of mine! There's a second rule. The most important.'

'Oh yeah?'

'Yep. Serious now. For real. No falling in love!'

Dom laughed out loud. 'Not even with my beautiful sexy girlfriend, who may be thousands of miles away but still super available on FaceTime 24/7?'

'Being charming isn't going to get you anywhere,' said Em resolutely. 'You know the rules now. Under no circumstances are you to break either of them.'

'Scouts' honour,' said Dom, holding up three fingers.

'Iz is my witness.' Em said, attempting to draw Izzy into the conversation again.

'Pay attention,' Em slapped Izzy on the thigh. 'Dom's agreed to the summer rules.'

'Mmmm...hmm,' Izzy said vaguely. She was trying hard to ignore them. She was sick of their touchy-feely carry-on.

'That's fair enough,' said Dom. 'It's easier to ask forgiveness than get permission anyway.'

'Ha!' Em squawked. They both rolled over on the floor legs flying in the air as Em tried to suffocate Dom with a pillow.

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