Chapter 4

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End of Winter Break

"Mae, do you think there will be any chocolate muffins in the cafeteria later?" Mimi asked Mae.

"You really like them don't you?" Mae smirks.

"Of course. They are delicious. I must get there before it's eaten all. Bye bye."

Before Mae could say anything, she runs off. Mae chuckles and goes off to class waiting for Mimi to come back. While she was waiting, she hears footsteps coming towards her. She looks up to find Riley, the shy girl of the class. She had her head down and pulled something out of her pocket, handing it to Mae before walking off. Mae looks at it and sees that it's a folded-up paper. She opens it and reads the message inside. It says,

Thank you for helping me last week. I don't

know what I would have done if it wasn't for you. You truly

are a hero.


Mae smiles at the message and turns around to find Riley staring at her. Riley realizes she's been caught staring and turns away blushing. Soon Mimi returns with two chocolate muffins and a carton of milk. She had the hugest smile on her face. The teacher then walks into the room and starts the lesson. Today's lesson had caught Mae's attention. The teacher was on a subject about love and acceptance. How many people end up not finding a loved one as they try to wait for them instead of looking for them. Or that they like someone but never tell them until it's too late or not at all. It kills the person from the inside knowing that the person they love could never love them back, scared to confess, they keep it in never letting it be revealed. It made Mae think about the person she loves. She too is in a situation where she likes someone but is too afraid to tell them.

The bell ringing takes Mae's out of her headspace and students begin leaving the class. Mimi grabs her hand and dashes down the hallway. Later that day, Mae and Mimi had break and decided to go to the rooftop where they would always go to relax. It was a place they ended up making their own. There was a spot on the roof where they could sit with decorations around it. Mae and Mimi had met each other on the rooftop. It was the second day of school and Mae wanted to get away. It was around the time she was kicked out her parents' house and she needed a place to calm herself.

She made her way around the school, knowing where everything was since she was given a tour around campus so she wouldn't get lost. She then comes across a door. She doesn't remember seeing this door during the tour. She looks at her surroundings before opening the door. Behind it was some staircases. She follows up the stairs until she comes across another door. She opens it and is blinded a bit by the light. It was the rooftop. It was empty, no one was there as far as Mae could tell. She walks around and looks over the edge at the great view she has of the campus. She was amazed by how beautiful it looks. She smiles and thinks it would be great if Mia could see this. 

That's when Mae hears sniffling sounds and a small voice. It sounded like someone was crying. She walked around to find the source of the noise. When she did, she found a girl sitting with her knees against her chest and her head laying on them. She was covered in flour and egg. Mae suddenly felt angry. 'Who could have done this?' she thought. Mae kneels down and taps the girl on the shoulder. She jumps in shock and Mae could see her makeup running down her face and a cut on her lip along with a mark across her face, as if she was slapped hard. Mae removes her hair from her face and asks the girl, "Are you ok?"

The girl looks at her confused. Mae asks again and she nods. Mae then takes out a cloth and uses it to wipe her face of the flour. Then she stands up and reaches out her hand. The girl looks at her seeing that Mae was gesturing her to grab it. She takes Mae's hand and they make their way back down the stairs to the bathroom where Mae helped her get changed. There were showers in the bathroom so she could wash all the egg out of her hair. Luckily Mae had extra clothes in her bag. Once they were done, the girl, in a small voice, asked, "Why did you help me?"

"Because, I couldn't leave her like that."

At a moment of silence, she asks, "What's your name? I'm Mae Gretchen."


Both girls walk out the bathroom and there they see three girls standing in the hallway with their arms crossed. Mimi immediately hid behind Mae. She figured that the girls something to do with how Mimi looked earlier. She glares at them.

"Oh look, it's the freak," one of the girls. "Looks like she got herself cleaned up."

"We were done with you yet freak," another said. "How dare you run away?"

The girl begins walking closer to them, but before she could touch her, Mae grabs her hand and twists it behind her back. The girl screams in pain. The other girls look in shock. Mae then pushes her away.

"How dare you guys do something like that to her?"

The girl in the middle, Mae assumed was the leader, walked up to Mae standing right in front of her.

"How you speak to me? Do you know who I am?"

"No. I don't really care who you are."

"I'll have you know that my uncle is the leader. All I have to do is say one word and you're toasted."

"That's your uncle, not you. Even if that were you, I'll still treat you like this. If you want people to give you respect, you give them respect back. Being rich doesn't give you a reason to bully people."

"I can do whatever I want. Plus it's fun to bully the poor. They don't deserve to be here with the rest of us rich people."

Mae chuckles and hits her in the face, making her nose bleed. Then she grabs her hair and slams her against the wall. She presses her against it making her scream loudly. Luckily there weren't many people in the school at the time. The girl's minions sat on the side watching. Mae grabs the girl again and puts her in a headlock making her way into the bathroom. The others follow them. Mae kicks open a stall and kneels the girl over the toilet. She then takes a cup she saw and gets some of the water into it before pouring it all over the girl's body. She gasps in shock and screams at her. Mae smirks and takes her out and throws her on the dirty floor.

"Is that fun for you?" Mae asked mockingly. "It's very fun for me."

"How dar..."

Before she could finish, she feels a slap across her face. Eyes widen at the pain now in her right side of her face. She didn't move after that. She was in too much shock to even move. Mae then kneels down to her level and grabs her face, making her look at her.

"It hurts doesn't it? You're in shock that someone hit you right? How do you think she feels when you do this to her? You think she has fun when you bully her? So what if she's poor and you're rich? At least she has more manners than you. And also, she surpasses you in everything. You think you're friends are with you cause they like you? They're only here cause you have money. If they weren't, they would have stopped me from hurting you. That's what friends do for each other. They defend the one in their group from others. She has more real shit than you. You're nothing compared to her. If I see you touch her again, I'll make you regret."

Mae lets go of her chin and walks out the bathroom with Mimi, leaving the girl on the ground still in shock. Her minions end up leaving her there, going off somewhere else. When she saw her so called friends leave her, she began crying. 

Mae is brought out of her thoughts when she hears the bell ring and Mimi shaking her shoulders. They both leave the roof and go to their next and final class of the day. 

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