Our Fight

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As Bakugou and Uraraka were back to back as they looking at Izuku and Toga who had their eyes locked on them and knives gripped into their hands tightly.


"Hey, you remember what we agreed on when you joined in this search."


"Yeah I do, and it was that we were going to capture them if you find them."


"Yeah but it looks like that's gone on the window, which means we're going to do it my way, take him down by force."


"Fin, if that's the only way to stop them."


"Glad you're aboard, now you take the girl and I'll take Deku."


"All right let's do this."

As the two separated their backs from one another, they then began approaching their opponents, but while doing so Izuku and Toga looked over their opponent's shoulder to give one glance towards each other and then nodded their head.


"What are you nodding your head for huh?"

Hearing Bakugou say, Izuku looks back at him with a serious look in his eyes.


"It's nothing for you to concern yourself about."


"Then if that's the case, you better focus on me because I'm going to kick your ass, and trust me when I say this, it's not going to be like last time."


"Yeah I know that, because I won't have a pipe to beat you with."

Izuku smirks as he says that which angers Bakugou.


"You want to act all cocky now huh?, You little shit!, Well all that's going to change when I beat your damn face in."


"Ha, sorry Kacchan but I'm not that same kid you used to bully back then."


"Yeah we'll see about that."

Right away Bakugou extended his hands behind where he then shot out an explosion from the palm of his hands and launching him straight towards Izuku.



As soon as Bakugou got he extended his right hand out with this palm wide open and beginning to Glow as it was about to shoot up an explosion, but right before the explosion went off Izuku quickly reacted by swiftly taking his hoodie off and throwing it at Bakugou who then shot the sweater with an explosion, after doing so Bakugou looked at the smoke which began to clear up and revealed Izuku's now damaged hoodie beginning to fall to the ground, suddenly Izuku burst out from the smoke on Bakugou's left side, he quickly notices him off the corner of his eye and extends his left hand out to him.



As the palm of his hand begin to light up, Izuku quickly lunged his knife straight at Bakugou where he then stabbed him right through his own hand canceling out his explosion, from doing that Izuku then kicked Bakugou away, making him hit his back against the wall, but as he had his back against the wall all he can focus on was the pain coursing through his left hand, he goes ahead and looks at it and sees that it's gushing out so much blood, if that wasn't bad enough he couldn't even move his own fingers at all.

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