-Jack returned to the present, opening his eyes, he got up, seeing the sweat that almost soaked the pillow,he let out a sigh and got up, feeling a slight pain in his arm and nose, he He then looked at his arm, a bandage slightly stained with blood is covering a wound, while a little blood is still oozing from the boy's nose, he let out another sigh, returning to his thoughts,going back to the memories of how he got those bruises.It was the night of the party, Jack was thrown into the wall by Ziri, Jack tried to grab his collar but the monster dodged, Jack got there after the two started an argument at the party and that ended up going the other way,It was supposed to be a little mom fight due to Jack's anger and jealousy turned into a punch and kick fight,some Monsters tried to hold them back but unfortunately it didn't work, Jack punched the monster in the face, making him stumble and fall to the ground, Jack threw himself on top of him, and started punching him, and Then the monster scratched his nose, second to his arm, making a wound deep enough to leave a scar that would take time to heal later, Jack tried to land another punch, But the blood began to run down his arm, making him scream in pain, the monster tried to attack him again but Jack managed to kick it away, he tried to get up to fight,again feeling the scar made by rezzoch burn slightly on his skin, Jack hadn't noticed before but the scar doesn't hurt anymore, it simply puts some kind of pressure on his skin,Its eyes can almost be seen glowing an azure blue, but before it could attack the monster again,June grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him away,Her face is completely horrified by the deep cuts on Jack, But for him the worst of all these things was seeing June's slight dread at the way he was behaving, her features only worsened when they saw the blue gleam in his eyes,The concern in her voice practically destroyed him inside,Jack had actually become more aggressive after some remnants of rezzoch remained on him, but he thought no one had noticed,unfortunately for him jun noticed, and now she had closely observed everything rezzoch that is in him.She took him away from the pizzeria while saying something, but Jack couldn't hear, she took him to big mama, and sat with him in the back of the car, Jack looked at her,Prepared to see an angry look on the girl's face now that everything is calmer, but the girl just looked sad, she has a little blood on her hands from Jack's wound,Her hair is messed up, and there are also some small bloodstains on the clothes she is wearing,Jack is breathing deeply, trying not to pay attention to the nearly dried blood sticking to his arm, as that would be hell to wash off later "Jack...what's going on with you?",He looked at her again, realizing he had looked away, "don't worry about that,okay?",She put her hand on the boy's shoulder "Jack, please just tell me.",He let out a sigh, if it wasn't for June asking him that he probably would have lost his temper by now,"June...this isn't easy to explain okay?",Jack realizes that now June is impatient "well, you've stopped bleeding, we have all night, you can explain it to me for as long as it takes",The boy looks at her and then gently hits his head on the seat, letting himself look at the roof of the car, June grab one of jack's Arms "You're going to explain this to me, Jack, and you're going to explain it now."the boy remains silent,Trying not to look at June "Jack.",he then finally looks her in the eyes "I was jealous okay?!",June's expression became confused "Jealousy?, what do you mean by jealousy Jack?",He let out another sigh, this time a little more blunt "I was jealous because of you okay, I don't like Ziri",June was surprised, she imagined that Jack was angry about something but she didn't imagine that he was angry because of Ziri "Jack, me and Ziri don't have anything, we're just friends",he crossed his arms "I know okay?, but I don't like it when he gets close to you, I don't like it when he looks at you, I don't like it when he touches you,Those are the top 3 because I have a whole list of things I don't like",June noticed that Jack was upset again, it wasn't very common to see him like this, he seems much more angry and distressed than he was with the radio,"look... I don't know if this is just jealousy or if it's the remnants of rezzoch inside me...",Then it was June's turn to sigh "Let's talk about this later okay?, we have to bandage your wounds...",June got out of the back seat and got into the driver's seat, starting to drive to the tree house, normally Jack is driving, but he is too weak for that,the time to bandage Jack was painful, the blood dried on his arm so june had to wipe the blood off with a wet towel with a little cold water,Jack felt his hair stand on end every time the wet towel touched too close to the claw marks, but what hurt Jack the most was June's silence, she didn't speak in the She didn't say anything during the whole process, she wasn't mad, to Jack she just looked pensive, occasionally distracted from the bandages,He decided not to question it, as for him enough bullshit had already come out of his mouth.The next two days were silent, and now Jack's thoughts are back in the present, June kept talking to Ziri, she just stopped doing it in front of Jack,Preventing the monster from entering the tree house, claiming that Jack is still not "stable",The boy felt happy about that, as he didn't want to see Ziri's face so soon.He leans against the shelf full of action figures, watching the sun rise, he's been up all night, just like he has been for the last two days,With all the jealousy crises taking over his head, he tried to ignore it, watching the sun outside, while his mind seems to insist on starting to make these images swirl in his head constantly,A new cycle of anger would begin if it weren't for his bedroom door opening, he looked and saw a June with huge dark circles looking down, with a pillow in her hand "you didn't sleep either...?",Jack nodded yes, without looking away from the sunrise, the girl approached and sat beside him, hugging the pillow that was in her hands,She also looks at the sunrise, with the same thoughtful face as before, minutes pass by like hours until Jack says something "Sorry if I scared you or made you mad June...I didn't mean for any of this to happen...",She moves closer to Jack, laying her head on his shoulder "It's okay, I'm not mad at you because of jealousy,I'm upset that you didn't tell me about what's going on with you...",He can sense the sleep in June's body, he then feels guilty, if it weren't for him, she would be getting a decent nights sleep "I'm worried about you Jack...",Jack plucks up courage and puts his hand around her shoulder "Don't worry okay?, I'm not hiding anything anymore", June looked at him "you promise?", he looked back at her "I promise",and so the two fall asleep, with a promise that maybe Jack can't keep.

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