"Actually, I'm not that hungry and I need to get something done anyways but you two go without me and tell Bella that I'll see her at home." Jessica looked at her with concern in her eyes. "You sure? How will you get home? I mean it's getting dark, you never know what kind of creeps are hanging out somewhere."

Good thing Valerie was a quick thinker (and a good liar) so she came up with something on the spot.

"I'm sure Jess, really don't worry. Plus some of my La Push friends are also out and about so I'll meet up with them and they'll give me a ride back home."

With that, she said bye to her friends as she headed in the opposite direction. Just then her phone rang.

"Hey, are you close?" the voice on the other end asked, "Yea, I'll be there in a few minutes, I had to reassure Jess and Angela that I was gonna be fine on my own since they don't know we're meeting up." Valerie answered as she quickly crossed the street while there were no cars around.

"And you're sure they didn't suspect anything?"

The brunette let out a sigh as she reassured the person on the other end.

"Okay I see you, I'm hanging up now."

With that Valerie hung up the call and put her phone back in her pocket as she approached the person and hugged them.

"Thanks for helping me out Rie, I appreciate it." "No need to thank me Mikey, that's what best friends are for."

Earlier that day Mike asked Valerie to come to help him pick out a corsage for Jessica to match her dress. He also wanted help picking out a flower for his tuxedo to match Jessica. Valerie couldn't help but think how sweet it was of him that he was trying so hard to be the perfect prom date so she of course instantly said yes.

"So what does her dress look like?" she gave him a really look since he knew she wouldn't reveal anything to him. She told him he'd see on prom day which made him pout and try to get an answer out of his best friend.

"No. And stop asking, I will not reveal to you anything about her dress. I'm here to help you pick out a pretty corsage that she will like and so it dosen't clash with her dress and that's all."

That finally made him accept his defeat and stop asking. He knew Valerie well enough to know she won't budge no matter how much he pesters her.

"Oooh what about this one?" Mike pointed out a pretty corsage out of the many that were displayed as examples at the florist. It was a mix of white and pink flowers, the pinks were close to the colour of the dress and white was always a safe choice. He could get a white flower with a pink ribbon and they would perfectly match.

"Actually, that one is perfect. And you could get a white flower with a ribbon around it. Oh, and the color like the pink flowers in the corsage." Mike's face was instantly covered with a huge smile, "Really? Great! Let's go put in the order and pay then we can go grab some food." Valerie nodded her head as they went to the front part of the shop so he could talk to the florist.

After that was done the two left both with smiles on their faces. They got in Mike's car and drove to the nearest fast food resturant, both having a craving for burger and fries.

"You know...I missed this Rie. Just the two of us hanging out, we haven't done that in a while." Valerie looked over at Mike with a small smile on her face.

"I know. I'm sorry Mikey but I promise we'll start doing it more often, okay? We need to have one of our movie marathon nights soon."

Just as she said that, Mike parked the car and turned towards his friend with a huge and excited smile.

"Oh my god, YES!!! You could come over after school on Friday and sleep over like usual so we can stay up all night." the brunette quickly taught over in her head if she had any plans already, "That actually works, yeah. It's a deal." the two did their secret handshake to seal it in.

They spent their time together joking around and talking about what movies to watch on their movie marathon sleepover. But in the middle of their dinner, Valerie's phone rang so she excused herself to go outside to answer it. Just as she was saying hello she was interrupted.

"Where are you?" the voice said frantically. "What's got you all worked up? I'm at a diner in Port Angeles with Mike. Why?"

An okay good was heard but Valerie was curious now and wanted answers so she asked why again.

"Do you promise not to freak out if I tell you?" a groan left the girl's mouth, "Oh my god Alice just tell me!" it was silent for a few minutes before Alice spoke up again, "It's Bella, she's gonna be in danger BUT don't worry Edward went to get her." Valerie let out a loud what.

That did not make her feel better at all, actually it made her feel kinda worse because Edward and Bella together, alone, not good.

"Of course I'm gonna freak out, especially now Alice. My sister is or is gonna be in trouble and I'm just suppose to be okay with that? Where is she? What's going on??"

A shift was heard from the other line, Valerie guessed someone else was taking the phone from Alice. Her guess deemed correct once she heard Emmett's voice from the other line.

"Look munchkin, I promise Bella will be okay. If you want, I'll come get you and take you to see Bella but you need to calm down. Edward went to get her, Alice saw in her vision that nothing bad is going to happen now that he left."

The brunette stayed silent for a moment as she tought it over. Alice's vision haven't been wrong yet and it wouldn't be fair to just ditch Mike like that.

"No, it's fine...I mean it's not but if you guys say that she'll be a 100% okay...I trust you. Plus it wouldn't be fair to Mike to just ditch him in the middle of dinner. Just update me please."

After a few more minutes of talking, they hung up and Valerie went back inside. Mike asked her what was wrong but she lied straight through her teeth and said it was only Bella letting her know that she was getting food and heading home now.

The two friends spent the rest of dinner making plans for their movie night and joking around.

Valerie had to admit, she missed Mike and hanging out with him. It has truly been too long.

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