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She was standing in the rain once everything happened to her and when she heard those words from them but she didn't actually hear those words from them, she was staying outside the door when she heard them and that's when she ran downstairs from that place and into the rain storm and she was standing there in the rain. 

That's when she went into her Jeep and drove somewhere else. but no one followed her except for one person and he will see her the next day. Then she arrived at some place she walked in, showed them her fake ID and she asked for a beer. and then the music started and that's when she started to sing and everyone heard her and Then someone said keep going and that's when she stood up and started singing this song to them. Here are the words for that song.

When you get caught in the rain

With nowhere to run

When you're distraught and in pain

Without anyone

When you keep crying out to be saved

But nobody comes,

And you feel so far away

That you just can't find your way home

You can get there alone

It's okay, once you say

I can make it through the rain

I can stand up once again

On my own and I know

That I'm strong enough to mend

And every time I feel afraid

I hold tighter to my faith

And I live one more day

And I make it through the rain

And if you keep falling down

Don't you dare give in

You will arise safe and sound

So keep pressing on steadfastly

Everyone could hear her voice right now

And you'll find what you need to prevail

Once you say

I can make it through the rain

I can stand up once again

On my own and I know

That I'm strong enough to mend

And every time I feel afraid

I hold tighter to my faith

And I live one more day

And I make it through the rain

And when the wind blows

As shadows grow close

Don't be afraid

Everyone heard her sing this so loud

There's nothing you can't face

And should they tell you

You'll never pull through

Don't hesitate

Stand tall and say

I can make it through the rain

I can stand up once again

On my own and I know

Stella Stilinski One Shots: Kicked Out series EndedWhere stories live. Discover now