I don't like goodbyes

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I never liked goodbyes they always reminded me that it's the end of something, that I'm saying goodbye to. And with you, with you well...
I never wanted to say goodbye.. yet here we are, me waiting for something and you getting on like nothing happened. Like things can just go on, and they should, they should go on but sometimes I just wish things were different. I wish that we could've been longer but maybe we were bad together...
maybe we were good I don't know what to say every time we speak because it doesn't matter what I say, my existence doesn't matter anymore.
I'm sorry;
, I'm sorry that we met
when we did, you caught me in a hold when I was at my worst and yet you left me... everyone leaves eventually but I thought you were different
I thought you meant it when you said you loved me... I guess I was wrong  about that too.

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