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I loved her. That much, by now, was evident. I tried desperately to trace back the events that led me here. That led me to become so infatuated with her. Instead I was completely captivated by her beauty. I could spend forever looking at her. Nothing else had ever felt like this in my very long life. No piece of art, no work of literature, could ever hold my attention as well as her merely existing could. I longed to burn the image of her beauty into my brain, so that when the time came that it had long departed for Valhalla I'd be able to keep the memory within me perfectly preserved. How her golden eyes betrayed her, showing every single emotion she may wish to keep hidden. Of the way water currently glistened off of her skin, and of just how much skin she had exposed in the slithers of fabric she dared to call an appropriate outfit for any occasion. Most importantly, of how carefree and utterly happy she looked, that is what I wished to remember every time I closed my eyes. How did it take me so long to realise I'd fallen in love with her? And now she'd come far too close to knowing. Antagonising me with her questions of the Asgardian names I called her. That I had been calling her for days. Odin's beard, I needed to be far more careful. She could never know the truth. Still, when she climbed out of the lake and the sunlight made it looked like she was glowing the words almost spilled out of my lips as if she had pushed a dagger into my skin to torture a confession out of me.

Then she smiled down at me as she began to towel off her hair. I pushed up to rest on my elbows, enjoying watching every single droplet of water slowly cascade down her body. I longed to trace the path of each one with my tongue. Gods she really did have far too much skin on show. I'd seen her naked, why was it that her having so little skin covered made me want her even more?

"What on Earth are you thinking about?"

"Nothing of importance." I lied easily, letting the seiðr flow from my tongue and coat her skin with my lies. She didn't seem to notice, if anything she just seemed calmer. With a sly smile, she sauntered tantalisingly closer to me until her feet were either side of my hips. I let my hands reach out to brush against her ankles, stroking away the beads of water around her ankles that had made their way down her legs.

"Really? Cause you seem awfully distracted." Then that sly smile came ever closer to me as she knelt down over me, putting pressure on just the right part of me with just the right part of her. "It seems like you might need to go swim, Mischief. Take some time to cool off." As she talked she put more weight down on my groin and I had to take a deep breath to prevent a groan. The last thing I needed her to know was just how easily I seemed to come undone when she held the intent to seduce me.

Knowing how easily I could subvert her bravado, I quickly manoeuvred the two of us so she was underneath me, her legs wrapped firmly around my hips. With a sly smile of my own, I mirrored her movements and pushed myself into her. She didn't hide her soft moan and it drove me to insanity. The urge to rip the little fabric separating us off her body was growing by the second. But as much as I desired her, I knew the guard patrol came far too deep into these woods and Kaya had an issue with staying quiet. Even if I desperately wanted everyone to know that she was mine, I couldn't ruin her reputation further. In an attempt to quell the growing urge I had, I tried to focus on anything else. On the small freckle just under her left ear, right over the most sensitive spot on her neck. On how golden streaks of her hair juxtaposed the black satin fabric of the blanket underneath her just as they did on my bed sheets. Evidently my will wasn't enough to distract me. Unable to help myself, I shifted all of my weight to the side so I could bring my hand out to caress the side of her neck. I could feel her pulse beneath my fingers, of how it quickened at the mere thought of me going further. I was almost certain that she would never react this way to anyone else. Regardless of what happened between us, on some level her body would always belong to me. It would only ever react this intensely, this quickly to me. And she loved the way it made her feel. She loved what I did to her.

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