9 (Wake Up~)

174 11 0

Suddenly there was a huge white and purple mix light and everything when black.



My head.......It hurts......ahh...............I open my eyes.......w-where am I.......I try to get up......

Y/N: a-ah (slowly moves)

Mom: OMG honey are you alright, Oh my god  (tearing up)

Y/N: W-What ?! M-Mom ?!?

Mom: Y-Yes B-Babyy...wait D-DOCTER DOCTER

Y/N: h-huh ?!

Doc: Oh wow ! (happy) Please move, Let me check on her....

Mom: S-Sure.......

Y/N: W-wait ? wha-what ?

Doc: Dear, how do you feel ?

Y/N: My head hurts

Doc: Ohh its fine, its gonna be gone in a few days

Y/N: May I ask what happened ?

Doc: Dear, You got into an accident and went into a coma for a few months...

Y/N: A-Accident ?! C-COMA ?!?! WHAT ?!?!

Doc: Please came down my child, yes, you got into a car crash....

Y/N: (turns her head here and there panicking) (her eyes land on the mirror) (slowly gets up despite the doctor warning you) W-what ? (tears slowly fall from your eyes) W-what year is it ?

Doc: 2022, you was in a coma for almost 10 months......

Y/N: 2022 (whispers)

Doc: I will let you Mom in...... (leaves)

Mom: (enters) Baby ?

Y/N: M-Mom...(turns away from the mirror)

Mom: Oh my baby (runs and hugs you) How are honey ?!? Does it hurt ? Why are you standing !? sit 

Y/N: Mom stop, clam down.....Im Fine....I missed you (hugs her tight)

Mom: (clams down, hugs you back) Yes Baby...I missed you to (sighs)

Y/N: w-where is Hyunjin, Yeji and Oppa ??

Mom: Oppa is in his University......he wanted to come home but he has his finals now.......and Hyunii and Yeji, they are in school well, they must be here in a few mins-


Y/N: Hyunjinn, Yejiii (hugs the 12 year olds)

Hyunjin: Ahh N-Noona (sobbing) I-I Missed youu

Yeji: E-Eonnie (crying hard) 

Y/N: aww m-my babiess....dont c-cryy (sniffing and tearing up)

[Y/N Mind: OMG what is happening ?!?! i-im back at my house.....my siblings are kids again....not some 25 year olds....moreover I am kid again....im 16.....not 28] 

Hyunjin: N-Nonna come sit....I want to eat with you....

Yeji: yes Eonnie....comee

I spent the rest of my day with them....They had a lot of new stories from school.....

TimeSkip (after a few months)

It was 2023, March

I was bored sitting in my hospital room, So i came out and was sitting in the hospital garden

Ahhhhhhh so peaceful......hehehe.............boootiful.........but I still cant get over Jungkook and Rowoon............

hmmmm I miss them- omg

a boy: heyyyyy are you new here ??

Y/N: OH ! Hii. yess im new....how about you

Boy: umm i have been here for 1 week.....I broke my leg (cheeky bunny smile)

bunny smile.......doe eyes........WAIT.........BUNNY SMILE AND DOES EYES !??! he looks like Jungkook !!

Boy: well Nice to meet you (reaches for a hand shake) I am Jeon Jungkook 

Y/N: W-what....Oh N-nice to meet you t-to...(handshake) I-I am  Hwang Y/N

J-Jungkook.....he is j-jungkook..........what is happening.......

Jungkook: wanna be my friend ?

Y/N: S-sureee

In the past few weeks Me and Jungkook got close......now we are best friends........slowly I am trying to forget that remembered about Jungkook and Woo.........that was just my imagination and its just a coincidence........I hope so....



Forgive me for all the grammatical and spelling mistakes in the chapter.

How is this chapp ?!?!

Ik these chapter are very short.....im sorry

Forgive Me

ig 1 more chap ?


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(549 Words)

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