01) Hanguang Jun

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It could have been the same as any other day for the citizens of Chaiyi only if there weren't visitors who are coming to attend the next lecture session at the Cloud Recesses, the residence for the Gusu Lan cultivators.

The town, which could be described as a lively one compared to some other towns and cities painted a vivid scenario as various young masters and disciples from many prominent sects started moving in and around the area.

However that specific day, the town appeared to be extra lively as a new group of young cultivators crossed the threshold of Chaiyi.

With their uncommon attire and ethereal features, they easily drew a clear line between them and the others around their age as cultivators. The exquisitely designed midnight blue- almost black colored outer robes and the beige color simple inner robes which seemed to allow lots of flowy and fast movements looked rather lavish compared to the young masters the townspeople had seen so far.

Yet when two other young masters who looked younger than the others- at most around twelve or thirteen appeared from behind, the peoples mouths fell open in utter shock and admiration.

Even though the colors of their attires were completely contrasting from the others who came with them, with the similar designs it all carried through everyone easily guessed that they came from the same sect and their ethereal appearance proved the point. It's just that their red inner robes and the white outer robes with golden embroideries stood out among all as if they were to be recognized properly without a mistake even when those delicate fancy masks that covered the upper half of their faces said otherwise.

"A-Ling ge, do you think that we would be able to have a walk around the area before going up the mountain?" One of the two masked boys asked curiously, his voice calm and collected unlike his eyes which held a hint of mischief and stubbornness.

"But shúfù* said that we shouldn't wander around and go straight up to the mountain. We can always come down here at a later time." A-Ling replied patiently, only to receive a disappointed pout from the other.

"A-Yuan... You know that we need to go there in advance. We didn't come here only for studies. We also represent our sect. It's our first time to come out here. So we need to make a good first impression. Besides, don't you want to meet him anymore?" At his sudden inquiry, A-Yuan's eyes widened in surprise even though the other didn't mention who 'he' is.

A-Yuan seemed to know who 'he' is as his interest to visit the town quickly shifted into a hurry as he urged A-Ling and his fellow disciples to move quickly towards the Cloud Recesses. Thus the townspeople lost their chance to bless their eyes with the sight of those young masters for any longer.


The serene atmosphere of the cloud recesses the same as before; the misty environment and the white walls and black roofs of the buildings, which stretched along the picturesque garden of the waterside pavilion painted the resistance as such it was an ocean of clouds in the immortal realm. At dawn, the first rays of the morning sun shone through the hazy billows of mist that drifted far and wide, perfectly complementing its name-the "Cloud Recesses."

In such a tranquil place, one's heart would be like still water. Only the echoes of the bell tower could be heard vibrating through the air. Although it was incomparable to a holy temple, the cold mountains still send forth a lonesome air of Zen.

Thus when the lan disciples along with the guest disciples took their seats in the Lanshi-the lecture room, it gave off a heavenly aura which cannot be replaced or described by any.

However the moment their teacher stepped into the room, everyone felt like the already cold atmosphere of the cloud recesses had suddenly become colder and most of the guest disciples nervously shifted in their seats, most probably second guessing their life choices.

"It's him." A young boy, if not the youngest among the present disciples murmured softly, gazing up at the cold figure of their teacher.

And it didn't take much time for his keen eyes to recognize the similarities between them before the others also began to wonder. Yet, no one dared to think loudly since they knew nothing about that young master and the relationship he shared with their teacher-if they had any.

When it was time for the greeting ceremony, everyone held their breaths when it was that specific young master's turn to greet the teacher.

Unfortunately, it wasn't him who greeted the teacher.

"Song Xue, curtsy Song Zihao, the young master of Yuèliàng Xuě* sect greets the master." A pristine young man with a prideful aura greeted the teacher with a perfect bow as his servant brought up his gift forward.

"Since my fathers heard that the teacher is very interested in calligraphy, they thought of offering this jade ink pot which would never run out and would never spill over even if it is turned upside down and this matching jade brush wouldn't be needed to ink twice until one task is over." Song Zihao explained in detail, leaving everyone's mouths agape.

It's already enough if one could find a brush of that quality since it's not everyday that anyone could find such treasure. Even with their spiritual powers, one couldn't possibly enchant the brush to keep the ink flow much longer. And finding a never ending ink pot that wouldn't spill the ink? That's impossible since no one even knew that such a thing was available until today.

'Really? How remarkable could this Yuèliàng Xuě sect be?' Everyone wondered in their minds except the teacher.

He didn't show any emotion- which was considered as a natural reaction for him until his eyes landed on that young master who looked just like a younger version of him. The moment his eyes landed on the masked face of that young master, one of his eyebrows curved up in a questioning manner and it took quite a while for Song Zihao to understand the quiet inquiry of their teacher.

"Apologize for the rudeness, shifu*. They are my cousins and only study at our sect as honorable guest disciples." Song Zihao explained and taking the cue, A-Ling and A-Yuan stood up to greet the teacher to everyone's satisfaction.

"Feng Rulan, curtsy Feng Ling, heir to the Fenghuang clan, greets the teacher." The older boy introduced himself after doing a perfect bow towards the teacher.

Then the other also bowed to the teacher before doing his introduction.

"Hua Yuan, curtsy Hua Shizui greets the teacher. It's an honor to finally get to meet the great Hanguang Jun personally and have a chance to learn from you too." When the young boy said in a pleasant voice, his shining eyes that peeked through his delicate mask oozed with joy and interest even though his other facial features remained the same.

On the contrary, the ever stoic Hanguang Jun's face lit up in a mysterious way, supplying fuel to the wandering thoughts of others about the relationship they might have been sharing secretly.

However, the inexplicable longing that passed through his eyes in a blink of an eye went unnoticed by everyone except from Shizui's and his lips cucurved upwards with a slight smile of satisfaction.


* Zǔ shúfù - Grand uncle

* Yuèliàng Xuě - The name simply means Snow Moon (Yuèliàng-moon, Xuě-snow)

* Shifu - teacher/ master

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