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Be thankful for the 'bare minimum'. If your partner provides, thank him. If he can cook and clean, thank him. If your woman provides, thank her. If she pays bills, thank her. Be appreciative of what you know you deserve.

There's modern teaching that doesn't encourage a grateful heart nowadays towards partners. They call gestures the 'bare minimum' and trivialize supremacy. But we thank the waiters for bringing the menu, but it's their job. We thank the delivery guys, etc. Why not our own partners?

Here's a thing about "Bare Minimum": what makes it really special is that it is not common, and not every partner receives that momentarily. It still takes good integrity to give your 'bare minimum'. Be aware and self-conscious to understand that it's the bare minimum that your partner is faithful and kind to you. It's ethical and yet very beautiful.

We don't live in an unrealistic world. People are celebrated for doing what's good in a world where evil prospers. Look at it, if virtue is not important, even the country won't give awards to their well-deserving employees, it's what they should do right? Their job? Right?

If your partner genuinely loves you, can able to effectively communicate with you and can be able to let you in their heart and internal world, trust me, that's a blessing. Yes, it's what they should do, but in this day and time, it makes it desperately rare and that's what I want all of us to see.

I want you to understand that gratitude for everything in your relationship is not an unwoke ideal. Be grateful that your partner is able to do what they're supposed to do as if they didn't have to do it. Gratitude is a gateway to emotional and mental intelligence.

"Don't applaud fish for swimming" is such a concise and elevated statement, but very dangerous. It tricks your mind into ultimately believing that what's expected should not be celebrated. Your heart will grow cold and ungrateful toward anything good. You might suffer a lack of compassion towards anyone you meet.

'Bare minimum' takes effort. A bare minimum takes effort so in my opinion, I think it still deserves appreciation. Don't patronize the worldviews that make you believe that you deserve every kindness because it's the 'other party's' duty to. Don't take for granted your partner. Perceive them through the lens of gratitude.

Once you are in that sphere of gratefulness you will realize that the most beautiful things about our relationships are found in the 'Bare Minimum' category - communication, being faithful, emotionally available, and compassionate. Real life requires real understanding, I understand you might think you deserve it but you still need to thank people for that anyway. 

THE HARD WORK OF LOVE By LumkoWhere stories live. Discover now