"angel." i glanced up to see a tear spilling from her eye. "i'm sorry." it was the second time she apologized to me today. she killed my mother and tried to kill me.

"i would never hurt you." she squatted in front of me. i stared at her, not a word said as i found my feet dragging me into the large restroom.

i locked the door behind me. i needed time away from her even if it was only for a couple minutes.

i set my hands on the sink and glanced down at the floor, my hair working as curtains. my hair was usually a curly mess but i had it flat ironed just a couple days before this situation.

i know she said she'd never hurt me and i trusted her. but with all her other personalities i can't feel safe, i can't help but think about getting killed while sleeping next to her.

where was this power i so called had. why hadn't i seen it? she said she'd give me control and power but all i see are broken promises.

i sighed trying to compose my self. i wanted to cry but no water was coming out. i wouldn't dare let her see me a crying mess.. again.

"angel." i heard a soft knock on the door. "i'm sorry." i heard her silently crying. "i'd never hurt you on purpose, i promise to you."

i've never heard her cry before but it in fact made me want to cry right along with her. i could hear the brokenness in her voice.

"please, open the door." she sniffled. "please." she whispered as her voice broke into pieces. i couldn't help but want to console her.

i felt my heart sting at the sound of her crying. i couldn't bare the noise much longer. i opened the door and took billie in my grasp. "it's okay, honey. i know you didn't mean to." i whispered against her ear.

"i'm sorry." she hiccuped. "i'm so sorry." i shushed her and brought her closer. for a god she was emotional then i initially thought. only to me at least.

i never knew there'd be a day she'd be crying in my arms. i forgave her. it wasn't completely her fault.

i wanted to be with her despite her problems. i shouldn't shut her out because of something she couldn't control.

i pulled away from her and heard her silently pout. i walked over to the bed, "come here." i held my hand out to which she grabbed.

my shirt was filled with her tears but i could care less. everyone deserved to have someone or someway to let out there sadness on.

i felt there was something else she was crying about but i wasn't so sure so i stayed quiet. i laid down and she buried her face in my neck.

"i'm sorry."

"stop apologizing. you weren't the one who did it. it should be her. you're okay baby, you're okay." i caressed her hair.

"why are you so good to me?" she whispered through a couple hiccups. because i knew how it was to not have control over a situation just as her control over the light.

she had control but somehow i knew she didn't wanna give up the light. it was taken from her. it had to be.

"mereces que te traten bien mi amor." i whispered.

translation: you deserve to be treated well my love.

she let out a soothing breath. "can you say some other shit in spanish? please?" she removed her head from the crook of my neck and hovered it above my face.

her eyelashes were wet, and i noticed a stream of dry tears along her crimson cheeks. i grabbed her face and kissed her. i could never get over the softness of her lips.

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