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Hui Jie's POV:
    I jerked awake upon hearing the blaring alarm I had set on my phone the night before. I was curled up in a ball underneath the blanket, which was proven futile in keeping me warm, as my feet felt like they were frozen till the point they are about to fall off. Drawing my feet closer to myself in an attempt to thaw them, I watched as the dust motes glittered under sunlight streaming in through the cracks of the curtain. After a few minutes of staring blankly at the wall, my gaze crept over to the bed, where Lilith was still deeply asleep. Silently, I skulked over to her side. I stood there admiring how her tresses framed her face perfectly, god, how could someone look so angelic even when asleep? As I was drowned in my thoughts, Lilith's eyelids fluttered open. We both shared a moment of awkward, mutual eye contact. Then she screamed.
    "Why are you watching me sleep? Freak!" she yelled shrilly.
    I awoke from my delirious state. "W-what? No, I wasn't!" I sputtered
    "Was too!" she replied loudly.
    I groaned. Picking up my toiletries, I went to take a shower in hopes of escaping this predicament.    
    Exiting the toilet with my towel draped around my shoulders, I beckoned for Lilith to shower next.
    "Nu-uh. Not until you tell me why you were staring at me whilst I was sleeping," she huffed, her arms crossed. Cute...
    "I was just trying to wake you up, okay?" I replied exasperatedly.
    Lilith surveyed me cynically before heading into the bathroom. "Sure..." she muttered.
    I smiled slightly as I watched her disappear through the doorway. Turning on my phone, I checked the class group chats for any announcements. Good morning students, I hope you all have slept well. For today's itinerary, we would be visiting the elephant rescue park. Please be ready and assemble at the lobby by 10:20 a.m. Tardiness is unacceptable and would be strictly dealt with. There she goes again, we could never catch a break from her incessant nagging. I glanced at the time display. 9 a.m. Good, we have an hour for breakfast.
    I rolled around on the bed for a while, browsing through my Instagram feed.
    "Do I look alright?"
    I looked up to see Lilith in a knee-length lace summer dress with an exaggerated boat neckline.
    "Um..." I stammered as I stared at her defined collarbones.
    "Do I look weird?" she panicked and dashed back into the bathroom. I rushed after her, stopping at the doorway to see her judging herself in the mirror.
    "Pretty," I choked.
    She spun around, a grin flitting across her face. Cocking an eyebrow at me, she looked at me expectantly.
    "You heard me, so don't make me say it again," I mumbled. I felt the blood gush to my face, and I hurried away.

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