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Lilith's POV:
    "Okay let's go!" the teacher barked over the commotion as a loud honk sounded from the main entrance. Curiously, the class turned their heads to look for the source of the noise, which turned out to have come from a white party bus. The class immediately started to buzz with excitement as a harmony of "wow"s could be heard. Tch, what was the big deal, I have buses much more significant than that. I rolled my eyes and watched as the others hurriedly scrambled to queue up at the door.
    Suddenly, Hui Jie grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with the crowd. "Come on Lilith, don't be such a buzzkill," she said, chuckling slightly. I pouted and let her drag me onto the bus. I should've gotten Father to arrange a private ride for me.
    The ride was bumpy. I don't know how else to describe it. There were millions of massive potholes in the road, and it didn't help that my classmates were yelling like barbaric 6-year-olds. Gosh, my head was throbbing like crazy after we alighted. I think I threw up in my mouth a little.
    I staggered slightly and held onto Hui Jie's shoulder for support as I looked up at the hotel we would be staying in. It was...mediocre. Nothing about it was extraordinary aside from the majestic marble water fountain at the entrance and the rose bushes around its perimeter. Or maybe it was just me who had grown accustomed to 5-star hotels.
    "You okay?" Hui Jie asked.
    "Huh?" I stuttered, resurfacing from my thoughts. I jumped slightly as realisation dawned on me: my hand was still on her shoulders. I withdrew my hand quickly, pretending to be oblivious.
    "Uh yeah," I mumbled. I retrieved my baggage from the bus's luggage compartment and entered the hotel behind my other classmates. 
    "Let's go," I said, turning back and calling out to Hui Jie, still rooted to the ground.
    "Coming!" she replied loudly from the distance.

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