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Lilith's POV:
    She was staring at me. Perhaps I had made a mistake back then. Was it that irreversible? No, wait, why do I even care? It wasn't even my fault. It's not like I still want to remain friends with her anyway, she'll just ruin my reputation. But... maybe I should've stood up for her, 2 years ago, when the others were mocking and pushing her around every chance they could.
    Maybe I had been the worst friend one could possibly have. I watched them put her through hell every day just because of her skin colour. What's worse was that I joined them. I had wanted to fit in so badly that I let the worse side of me take over.
    I was the one who would trip her in the hallways; the one who would yank her hair and let her tumble backward. Progressively my "stunts" got even more daring and aggressive. Then one day I let my the peer pressure crack and destroy me: I pushed her down the stairs. She fell, obviously, and broke her arm. She stayed in the hospital for 4 months after that. Once I visited her, she threw a vase at me, screaming and demanding I get out that instant.
    We stopped talking after that. When she came back, a cold, piercing glare was all I received. I had convinced myself that we were sworn enemies after that. Truth is, I didn't really get over the breakup, and I don't think I ever will. But I guess silently "hating" each other has grown on me now.
    Was it a mistake? I don't know. Are we enemies? Most probably. All I know is, deep down, I regret being who I was 2 years ago, and the likelihood of us making up is an inch away from none. It was most definitely my fault.

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