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Lilith's POV:
    Amazing, another day at that damn school. Father could've hired a private tutor, and make good use of all that money somehow. Ridiculous. "Young miss, wake up." a voice on the other side of my bedroom door said. "I'm already awake," I called. "Dimwit," I added under my breath. Sorya, the– my butler entered the room. He crossed the room in a few paces and placed my freshly ironed uniform on my bed. "The limousine arrives in 40 minutes." And with that, he was out in a flash. I picked up my blouse gingerly.  Ew, they couldn't even iron the sleeve properly, useless maids, tsk, whatever. I hurriedly donned that tasteless uniform and went down for breakfast.
    I peered into the breakfast nook from around the corner, hoping to see Father. He was nowhere to be seen. . . as per usual. What was I thinking, he was probably away on some stupid business trip. I grabbed the french toast from the plate on the table and went out the door to wait for my ride.
    I sat on the porch swing. The cold, crisp morning breeze swept my hair away from my face. The air was ripe with the pleasant, dewy petrichor of the post-rain night. I chewed on my breakfast silently, taking in the palpable peace and tranquility around me. I sighed. School sucks, there was literally nothing to do there. Just boring lessons. And that Huang Hui Jie. Always hanging at the library or garden, her nose buried in some weird book. I couldn't believe we used to be friends once. I scoffed at that thought, and yet an unfamiliar black pit yawned open in my stomach. Just then my limo arrived, and I stepped in, preparing myself for the day.

Her^2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora