Lots of acid

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(Narrator POV)

'An acid trap, very original!' Pike vocalised.

Keyleth immediately ran up to the spout,
Y/N on her tail. She cast some vines to cover the end, her younger sister assisting her.

There were several Yes's and Hoorays  emitted from the crowd. The vines held up quite well. Or so everyone thought.

Acid began spewing out of gaps in the vines showering the walls of the chamber.
'Vex, got any ideas!?' Scanlan shouted to her.
'Don't get in the acid!'
Scanlan conjured up a hand replicating his own and cupped it for everyone to climb onto.

'Scanlan, can you get us higher up?'
Percy asked, looking like he was planning something.
'There is a plug at the bottom of the acid, we need to get it out.' Anna said calmly.
'I'll go.' Grog said jumping into the acid.
'Grog no! Come back, I'll heal you.' Pike reached out her hand to him.
It was too late, Grog was already swimming his way to the bottom.

Meanwhile, Percy and Anna climbed the walls of the chamber reaching out for a switch.

All three of them reached their targets and did their respective actions.
It was a mess as everyone tried to stay on the magic hand while the acid drained.

They all fell as Scanlan became too tired to maintain the spell. Pike ran up to Grog and quickly but carefully healed him.
'Are you ok Grog?'
'Yea I'm fine.'
'Thats good buddies.' Pike said smiling warmly at him.

They all collectively ran up to the next door and continued on through it. At the other side of the door, there was a sizeable temple like building

At the top stood Sylas and Delilah, muttering something the others couldn't hear.

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