chapter 10: comfy days(1)

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y/n laid on her side,  switching her sleeping position to get more comfortable under the soft  blankets

burring herself deeper in the warm bed she felt like she was floating between  clouds

lulled back to sleep by the embracing fluffiness
the black haired girl sensed that something here feels wrong  VERY WRONG but was too lazy and sleepy to open her eyes


'wait ...How Did I Get Here??'

her eyes that were once resting shot wide open
it's wasn't her first time finding herself in a new place each time she woke but she couldn't get used to it yet as it's not a normal everyday thing

looking around she noticed how she in a completely different room than any room she had been in


too captured by the classical styled bedroom  she didn't notice the page flipping sound nor the low hushed breathing beside her bed

blurting out bluntly
" can I live here ? "

" yes you can ,it's your room "

an unwaited answer surprised her and almost made her fall off the bed

"!" a squeak of startlement escaped her lips but she couldn't care less because yet again she had let her guard down and slept like a dead corpse

turning her head sharply to check to whom belongs the voice , her eyes welcomed the overwhelming beauty of the first son of the henituse's household
she expected to see either beacrox , Ron or any other servant but she didn't complain about the eye purifying handsomeness she got to see as soon as she woke up

and of course she masked those emotions with a puzzled face , maintaining both calm and rationality and took another glance around the room for her eyes to land on the sleeping goose across from her

and as if the possibility of cale being the one who carried her here wasn't important she completely ignored the idea and parted her lips to ask about what the red head has just said to be interrupted by a knock on the door and familiar bengin smile

" young master , here's the tea you asked for "

Ron entered the room and made his way to his young master who was sitting on chair next to the new added member to the house

" thank you Ron , you can leave it on the nightstand "

Ron glanced at the black haired girl and gave his usual bengin smile then excused himself out after placing the tray of sweet smelling tea on the nightstand

cale took the cup of sweet lemon tea and handed it to the dumbfounded girl who took it without any questions

" a bedroom in the henituse's residency  "
repeating exactly what she said when he asked her about the favours she understood what he meant
and lifted up the steaming sweet tea up to her lips and took small sips savoring the delightful taste

a small smile tugged on her lips as she continued to sip on her new favorite tea while stealing some glances from under her messy bangs at cale who neglected his book to the side and spaced out looking at her

to anyone else it might have seemed like cale was looking at her as if he was escorting the sips of tea from the cup to her cherry lips but both cale and y/n knew very well that he was just spacing out

or maybe that's what y/n though

cale fliped his book closed and faked a cough
" you might want to rest more , i will be going to take care of some things for now"
he stood up from his seat carefully but still maintained the eye contact
" if you need anything Ron will be around "
looking at how she stopped sipping on the tea he extended his slender hand to the cup that was in y/n'a hand and took it placing it on the tray beside her
" and you can come find me whenever you want to have a cup of tea"
the red haired noble turned his head to the door and walked closer to it
"make your self at home "
and with that he left the room quitely
blinking once ... blinking twice

she took a couple of minutes to process the whole situation
* Honk *
' I ... i can finally rest '
" Yes B , we can sleep and eat as much as we want "
her heart fluttering of joy , her body relaxed on the soft bed and her face softened
sighing in content she closed her eyes again ignoring the sweet treats that has been calling for her since Ron stepped a foot inside and surrendered to a sweet sleep she had been craving for
cale closed the door gently behind him and walked passively towards his bedroom where Ron was waiting for him with multiple papers to check

the old assassin took care of what his young master has requested
he prepared the most comfortable bedroom he had ever prepared , with the highest quality fabrics for both sheets and curtains even  decorations  around the bedroom as well
of course with a touch of henituse to it here and there with small details
the old assassin has done a meticulous job
adding that he made sure that his son will be making the finest food with the best treats that her mouth can ever taste

waiting for his young master while checking mentally for his given tasks , there was one remaining incompleted task Wich was..
" Ron , have you taken care of the residency papers ? "

his puppy young master who has taken a seat on the couch that he liked to slack on for whole days  went straight down to business as soon as he arrived to his bedroom

" almost all of the papers that are involved with the young lady's residency are done young master , but"

the old assassin pushed the pile of said papers to cale making the neutral faced into a  sour one  and continued with a steady tone

" the young lady does not have family background nor a family name and the residency papers require at least a family name "

tapping his fingers slowly, cale didn't see such an issue coming his way , feeling his headache threaten to visit again he searched in his mind for a quick solution
' giving her a fake family name would be a problem... and I can't give her the henituse's family name ..yet '

" if you don't have any in mind may i suggest to give her my family's name ,young master "

cracking his stoic face with a raised eyebrow, the red haired noble was taken back by the weird suggestion, well not the suggestion exactly because it sounded like one that would get the job done but because it was unusual to get such a suggestion coming from no one but the very vicious Ron

" complete y/n residency papers with her under your family's name "

the old assassin who thought about keeping the young girl under his supervision and even monitor her into a skilled assassin ( after thinkg about it for a while )adding the amusement he will get from teasing her and observing her for a while smiled faintly a  smile that seemed respectful to anybody else but a bengin smile to cale and Boed politely , taking the papers from his puppy young master
" consider it done ,young master " 
1220 word

Ron when no one showed interest in adopting y/n : i saw my chance right there and I took it
Literally how Ron chose who to monitor: that one , that sassy child

I might give a glimpse of cale's pov next chapter
Hello reader:) I hope that you liked this chapter

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