chapter 9 :find me in my self made maze

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roaming around the numerous chambers and rooms ,y/n took her time strolling the spacious mansion , drinking in the fresh sight of elegance and gracefulness that screams henituse

walking through the large halls assisted by the bay windows with it's breath-taking view of the marvelous colorful garden , her mind was absent as she was pondering on the question that has been bothering her since she woke up

' why can't I feel pain anymore? '
Brushing her new problem aside she decided to rest and enjoy her walk and investigate later

the guards and maids on duty were questioning the girl's identity but never dared to step up and ask directly
' it might be another guest of the young master '

continuing their tasks as usual some ignored her curious gaze and some smiled when she looked at their direction , earning a polite smile back .
her light footsteps stoped in front of a huge engraved door

a delicious smell tickled her nose inviting her in and she accepted the invitation with a watering mouth

opening the door softly , the first thing she saw was the silhouette of tall figure moving in between the counters and the cabins of the classic European designed kitchen


* honk *

the familiar noise of her dear goose echoed in the kitchen followed by a deep hoarse voice

" can you stay still for 5 second?"

she couldn't figure out the identity of the man who was negotiating with a goose for some quite minutes , as she had never met him so she got closer to the figure until she was two feet away from him

faced with a wide muscular back, a black apron tied  on his waist and brown hair swiped back

looking at the anonymous man she was reminded of a description of a character in the novel that matched his look

'beacrox molan'

seeing the vicious torturer in person sent chills down her spine but she calmed down when she remembered her strength level

' I am almost at Ron's level , i will be fine if a sudden fight occur '


' let's not get on his bad side just in case '
the supposed sensitive chef didn't sense the new unwelcomed presence in his kitchen as he was busy shooing the annoying goose away so he can cook in peace

" chef "

a soft voice coming from behind him surprised him

making him turn his neck urgently at the source of voice to meet eyes with clear ocean eyes looking directly at him

' isn't that the girl from earlier this morning, the rabbit that father bought back ?'

his handsome although tired face didn't show the slightest alertness and remained stoic

" I apologize for bothering you chef but since I am here I want to thank you for the meal you prepared today I liked your cooking and I really enjoyed what you served "

the black haired girl tilted her head slightly glancing behind the dumbfounded chef

* honk *

without any warning , she quickly switched from calm to exited when she saw her favorite white bird alive and in one piece


the bird flapped his wings and jumped on the smiling girl leaving beacrox behind them

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