chapter 2: plan A

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loud banging on metal has starlet y/n from her sleep , guard nb1 and guard nb2 were standing inside the cell now the pig faced guard nb1 grabbed her wrist in a tight grib and shoved her in front of him and semi shouted

" hurry his highness is waiting for you "
y/n gritted her teeth and spat ou in anger
" i can walk on my own "

guards nb1's eyebrows shot up upon hearing her voice but didn't comment and choose to follow the crown prince's orders , loosening his grib a bit around her reddening wrist while still holding enough to refrain her from escaping again

He signed with his head to the other guard to put a blind fold on her eyes
feeling the fabric on her eyes she was certain
' they think that i am a spy '

letting herself being guided she spend the time on the way to crown prince mentally preparing herself for the pleasant conversation she's about to have

just right after hearing a door opening the fabric that blocked her vision was taken off , the first thing her eyes landed on was the crown prince who was sitting in a relaxed position on the cushions sipping his steaming hot tea

the blond haired prince shifted his gaze from the loads of paperwork to the guards

as on cue the guards excused themselves out Wich left y/n and alberu to be the only too remaining people in this office



the angry squirrel and the "spy " held eye contact for several moments well y/n held it with a stoic face while alberu's gaze was sharp and intense the staring contest went on for a couple more seconds

until alberu had enough from silence and started the questioning

" okay let's not make this more difficult simply i am going to ask questions and you have to answer "

" with the truth or with whatever you want to hear"

" oh ,so you can actually talk "

" yes "

" then why didn't you answer before ?"

" his highness majestic presence made me speechless back then i am sorry for my rudeness "

swallowing the praise that sounded too perfect for this situation even though it was a bit annoying

with a fixed gaze and firm voice he resumed his questioning

" ... who are you? "

the one being interrogated placed her hand on her heart and presented herself confidently

" i am y/n"

With knitted eyebrows he asked

" that's it ?"

" yes there is nothing more to add your highness i am not a spy like you're assuming "

" then how do you explain being found inside the palace wich is heavily guarded ? "



" where are you originally from ?"


" why are you here ? , how did you get here ? "

" i was running away from a man with black robe that had five stars like terrorists in the plaza accident and i noticed that i was in the palace only after he stoped chasing me "

" it was merely a naive mistake from me your highness i deeply apologize "
" and i am really not a spy "

alberu shot a dirty look as if he was saying ' really? '

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