First day of school part 1

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Bellas pov
"Wake up bella i made breakfast" oh god i love her cooking "yeah yeah im up" when i look at her she looks nice huh didn't know she has that outfit (the outfit up top) wait a minute "shailee is that mine?" "Maybe maybe not, oh im riding with you today dad said he's getting my car today" shes always been a daddy's girl in more like our mum "alright just if anything goes vwrong with my car you can fix it" once i said that i seen her eyes light up great
( shailee's pov)
-at lunch-
So me and bella are on our way to lunch with someone who btw seems crazy oh well at least i have my music going I don't think i could live without it oh look more people that are going to look at me and bella fun not 😑 hmm i wonder what car dad got me please say its an old classic my god if it is i swear i will die oh i love her outfit hmm wonder where she got it from oh well
( edwards pov)
As soon as me and my siblings got to lunch with btw we dont eat ew 😖 i hear something about an old classic car what? Oh well " oh i love her outfit hmm wonder where she got it fron oh well" "alice one of the new girls love your outfit" "really?" "Yeah" "hmm must be shailee swan" "whaat?"

-hey guys or whoever is reading this hope you enjoyed it so far but im pretty sure its around 3-4 am right now so yeah bye love ya bye- 💋

Bella swans sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें