The move

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"Come on bella we haves to go" i said siting in the back of phils car right now im waiting for my sister bella were moving to forks with our dad and boy i can't wait i hate to sun but that's one of the reasons im moving the other? well i miss my dad i have always been a daddy's girl you see me and bella are twins she older by 5 minutes but i still love her "hold on im coming shai" she knows i love that nickname "well hurry up but please don't trip i dont want to help you up today" with that she got in the saying how i need to slow down but with that were off the the airport once we get there i gave mum a hug while she's crying "be careful please and call when you land" "i will mum" and with that were off to forks the only plase that rains more then it snows in alaska
"Skipping the plane ride"
Once we get ofd the plane im running to dad whom i seen straight away see dad is a police officer so it wasn't hard to find him "i missed you daddy" "i missed you to princess" once bella was over here with her bags we were off see i sent my stuff over here so I didn't have to bring bags on the plane" dad do you know anywhere that has a job going?" "I think there's one at the book store" "great im going to go for it" "you don't need to" "yes i do I don't want you to spend your money on me dad" "your hairs longer bells" "i cut it since the last time you saw me" "guess it grow out again" awkward much but lucky we got home right then the house is simple 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom oh well. Once the car stopped I was out of there and to the front door waiting for dad and bella when dad opened the door i was up to my room i know what one it was as it had my name on the door when i was in i started unpacking once that was finished i checked the time "huh 10:30 man i must of had a lot of stuff" oh well time for bed and school tomorrow

Bella swans sisterWhere stories live. Discover now