Jake himself didn't look so good either. His jaw was decorated with stubble, which actually looked quite good on him, and if his hair wasn't so short, I'm pretty sure it would've been a bundle of mess sprouting from his head.

"So..." he said. He was standing with his back against the door and his thumbs hooked through the belt hoops on his jeans, wearing only a simple black wife beater on top.

"Isn't it too cold to wear that?" I asked, gesturing at his wife beater.

He just gave me a droll stare before pointing at the heater in one corner of his room.

"Okay, then. What are you teaching me today?" I asked, changing the subject.

Jake stared at me calculatingly before pushing himself off the door and walking towards his desk.

"Calculus. Or would you prefer Psychology for a change?" He said.

I stared at his back for a while before answering, "Psychology."

I didn't care if he was teaching me Calculus or Psychology, or whatever other subject. I came to know why he acted so strangely last night, but I wanted to do it smoothly. Not wanting to make it obvious that I was bothered.

"Do you want to study at my desk?" He asked after collecting all he needed.

"The bed's fine," I said, wincing at how bad that sounded.

I hoped he didn't notice as he walked over, his body heat instantly making me feel hot (not in that way), and I was reminded to take off my jacket.

I slipped the thing off, laying it beside me before focusing my attention on Jake. He began explaining a chapter, in great detail actually, he was one of the best teachers I've ever head if not the best.

Halfway through, when he finished explaining a major concept, he drew out a piece of paper from his folder, handing it to me.

"This is your homework, alright? I want you to go over it, answer all the questions. If you don't understand something th-"

"I'll call you, as always," I finished off. "Thanks, for the lesson."

He smiled weakly, probably due to the fact that I rarely thank him after a lesson. "You're welcome."

I stood up, picking up the piece of paper he gave me and pulling my jacket on as I headed towards the door.

"Do you...do you want to stay? We can play video games," he said.

I smiled, gotcha.

I had my back to him, so he didn't see the victorious smirk on my face.

Changing my expression back to normal, I turned around and shrugged. "Why not?"

I pulled off my jacket again and set the assignment paper on top. We sat facing Jake's mini TV that he kept in one corner of his room and had too wheel towards his bed so it could face us as we played.

Deciding that there was only one way to get the truth out of Jake, and mind you I was seriously getting impatient, I lay on his bed comfortably, in a way so my shirt was nudged upwards a little and a small area of my skin was exposed.

He didn't seem to notice, or just pretended not to, as he turned on his x-box and started the game.

Still curious and mildly frustrated that I couldn't just have a straightforward answer, I shifted closer towards Jake, who sat at the edge of his bed. He visibly tensed, but I pretended not to notice, not moving my attention from the screen in which our characters began to fight.

Mr. Lone Boy /BoyxBoy/Where stories live. Discover now