part 11

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Cameron PoV:

I opened the door and let Sharon walk in first making sure to smack her ass before I went in and closed the door.

"Lock the door." She said and she took off her shoes.

I did what she said and took my shoes off also.

The dinner with her parents went well. When he dad declined my hand shake at first not gonna lie I was shitting my pants. But he was just making sure I was treating his daughter right and I respect that.

Sharon's mom is just as fine as her.

Sharon went into her room for a couple of minutes and came out wearing nothing but her underwear and a black silk robe.

She had also washed her face leaving her beautiful bare face.

I swear to god she's the only girl who can get my dick hard just by looking at her.

"Dang ma, you look so pretty."

She had something behind her back.

"I got two edibles, you want one." She said pulling out a lil bag.

One thing imma never do is deny weed.

"When did you get these." I said taking them from her.

"My cousin dropped them over like last week, I forgot about them until we were in the car coming back." She said coming closer to me.

"You wanna get high or what?" She said hugging me.

"Girl, of course I do." I said taking a brownie from out the bag and eating it whole.

She took the other one and ate it as well.


It had been about two hours and me and bae where in her bed watching shameless.

Her legs layed sprawled over me and as I massaged her thighs.

I had since changed into some basketball shorts and a tank top.

I felt myself getting high

"You high too ma?" I looked over at Sharon who was sat up counting her fingers.

Imma take that as a yeah.

She looked up from her fingers and crawled over to me and straddled my lap.

"You look so good in that tank bae." She said whilst she played with my chain.

She rocked back and forth causing my dick to stand up at attention.

"You always look this pretty or is it the edible talking." I said back licking my lips. Sharon's lips looked so juicy.

"Baby you know I always look this good." Sharon said back licking her lips also.

She was still rocking back and forth on my dick. She could probably feel that shit poking at her pussy.

She came down to my face and kissed me. It was a sloppy but also passionate kiss. The type of kiss that makes you want to give someone your kids.

"Ugh baby." She said as I began massaging her ass. I smacked it causing her to let out a little moan.

"You want this dick?" I asked as I began kissing her neck.

"Mhm." She groaned back unable to make words.

I smacked her ass again.

"I need words baby." I said and I began kissing her boobs through her bra.

"Yes daddy." She said which sent shivers all down my spine.

I took off her robe and took off her bra. Her nipples were hard as rocks and the only thing I could do was put my mouth on them.

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