Chapter Fifteen: The Hunt

Start from the beginning

    Twenty minutes later, we are back in the rental car, trying to put the pieces together. "Something's fishy around here," I say and start typing down what we know on my laptop. "What do you mean?" Cletus asks. He leans over, trying to read out what I'm typing. "All I found was an obituary for Dan Caldwell's daughter, Charlotte. The reports on her death would have been in a newspaper somewhere, but there's nothing. Like it never happened. Why do you think that is?" I ask curiously. Cletus shrugs, "It did happen before the internet." I nod, "Yeah, but newspapers are still uploaded in the local library archives." "Bayless is a small town." Cletus states. "There are other articles from decades ago. There's just nothing about this girl or the circumstances of her death." I sigh in frustration. "So, what are you trying to say?" He asks. "Let's put this together. We know that Charlotte Caldwell was killed. We also know that Alex Carter bought the cabin knowing she was killed there. And somehow, all of these articles were blocked from newspapers years ago. What does that tell you?" I ask. Cletus shrugs, "That maybe Alex Carter had something to do with Charlotte Caldwell's death?" I roll my eyes. "Cletus, follow me here. Alex Carter isn't old enough to be involved in this." Cletus nods, "No...but his parents are." I nod, "Bingo!" Cletus sighs, "Well, how are we going to confirm any of this?" I think for a second. "I have a feeling that Maria woman might have a few more stories to tell. How about we ask that skinny tall guy? Did you get his phone number?" I ask. Cletus raises a brow, "The kid? Wally?" I nod, "Right. Wally." I can't contain my smile. I may have stumbled on the story of my career. This could be life-changing.

    "Damned candy..." Zachary Caldwell tries moving his wheelchair without running over the small box of chocolates he just dropped. Reaching down, he manages to knock over the small display he started to make. "Here, Zachary, let me help you with that," Wally says. Sheriff Dan puts down the box he was carrying and offers to help, as well. "Forget it. If I wasn't stuck in this damn chair, I could set it up just fine." Zachary sighs. Wally doesn't bother mentioning that the display needs the use of his hands, not his legs. "Are you okay, Zachary? You seem upset." He says instead. "Is it that obvious?" Zachary asks. Wally nods. "It's those damned reporters...they started asking about Charlotte and it just got to me." Zachary sighs. "You still worrying about that?" Wally asks, giving a half-hearted smile, "You're a good brother. You two really care about each other." Zachary mumbles something Wally can't make out. "You two have been through a lot, but you're really lucky to have one another. You're a family." Wally says with a smile. Dan places a hand on Wally's shoulder. "You know we consider you family too, right?" Dan asks. A corner of Wally's mouth tugs upward. "Of course I do. You two have always been good to me." Wally replies. "We care about you, Wally. Don't forget that." Zachary smiles. "I better make sure those two reporters really do leave town." Dan sighs. "You can't really do that." Zachary laughs. Dan nods, "Yeah, but they probably don't know that." Wally walks out with Dan, clearing his throat.

    "You have something to say, Wally?" Dan sighs. "I know you're upset with them asking questions, but maybe I can convince them not to write anything about Charlotte," Wally says. "Those two vultures came around here because of Alex Carter. I don't expect them to leave anytime soon."
"Alex told me he's trying to get them to leave. Maybe he'll get a restraining order or something." Wally suggests. "Yeah, maybe, but it won't stop them from digging." Dan sighs. "That's true," Wally nods, "but he did get the article taken down. Maybe he can keep them from prying anything about Charlotte." Dan smiles, "You like him, don't you?" Wally raises a brow. "Who, Alex? Yeah, I mean...I know you all don't like him very much, and I understand why... But the truth is, when he asked me to work for him, I was happy to." Wally says. "Why's that?" Dan asks. Wally stares down at the ground, his hands in his pockets. "I just...I just wanted to get to know him better." Dan raises a brow, "Why would you want to get to know Alex Carter better?" Wally shoots him a look. "You know why." Dan shakes his head defiantly, "No. I don't." Wally raises his eyes to meet Sheriff Dan's. "The fact that you're my uncle...I've known it for years." Dan hunchs forward, his hands on his knees. "My adoptive parents told me when I turned eighteen. I know about my father, too." Wally adds. "You do?" Dan asks slowly. Wally nods. "Why...why didn't you say anything?" Dan asks. Wally shrugs, "I don't know. It just never felt like the right time, I guess."
"You can always talk to us about anything, Wally." Dan and Wally turn to see Zachary on the porch. "Even Lionel Carter?" Wally asks. "Of course." Zachary nods. "I have got to go." Sheriff Dan's hands fist into tight balls as he storms to his vehicle and drives off. "Why does he hate Lionel Carter so much? Is it just because of what he did to your sister?" Wally asks. Zachary shakes his head, "No. There's a lot of different reasons you probably wouldn't understand." Wally sighs, "But why hold onto it? Why stay in the past? Lionel Carter wasn't a prize, but why hold a grudge against a dead man?"

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